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Saturday, January 15, 2011

Jared Lee Loughner's psychosis related to smoking salvia?

Was salvia to blame? We present a case in which salvia precipitated persistent psychosis. - Spy on America.

Image of reflection of Jared Lee Loughner captured from Loughner’s Pima Community College ‘Genocide’ tour.

Video of Jared Lee Loughner’s own video Loughner filmed in September. Jared Lee Loughner’s video tour of Loughner’s ‘genocidal’ school, Pima Community College. Loughner talked about the students, his time at Pima Community College as a student and mind control.

New news reports Jared Lee Loughner took photos of himself posing in a G-string holding a Glock 9mm gun. Walgreens turned the photos over to the cops.

According to news reports Jared Lee Loughner smoked salvia during high school. According to a letter to the American Journal of Psychiatry–the letter posted online at the AJP website–smoking salvia was determined as a possible cause for paranoid psychosis in a 21-yr-old patient.

Persistent Psychosis Associated With Salvia Divinorum Use, PETER PRZEKOP, D.O., Ph.D., and TIMOTHY LEE, M.D, Loma Linda,

To The Editor: Salvia divinorum (salvia) is a sage plant that is easily obtained in the United States. Its active ingredient, Salvinorin A, is a novel and highly selective pure kappa opiate receptor agonist with rapid onset and powerful hallucinogenic properties (1). Salvia has become increasingly popular as a drug of abuse when smoked. No long-term negative outcomes have been reported from the use of salvia. We present a case in which salvia precipitated persistent psychosis.
To read the rest of the letter follow this link.

Tucson Memorial Crowd Prompted to Applaud Obama’s Speech Confirmed by Independent Source, Video
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