I'd tap that. - Spy on America!
It's amazing what there is on the internet. A genealogical researcher has emailed me with three pictures of Obama's mother in the nude.
That would be of trivial interest except for the setting in which the pictures were taken.
They were clearly taken in a sophisticated mid-century apartment and my correspondent suggests that the apartment details could be used to identify the photographer.
He feels that the photographer is the Communist "Frank" whom Obama mentions as his mentor. That Frank was so intimate with Obama's mother would support the contention that Frank was in fact Obama's father.
Various bloggers have pointed out how similar Obama looks to "Frank" and the cover up of Obama's birth certificate is certainly very suspicious.
Get the rest of the story from AstuteBloggers here:

Conservative Political News Blog Source Site and Talk Radio
Look at those bouncy fun bags, lol
This website would make Joseph Goebbels proud...
These photos are of 1950's pin-up model Marcy Moore. It's not too difficult to check.
Actually you should pull this down as the setting that this woman is in does not look like a "Muslim" home in some foreign country.
You don't want to make you birther buddies angry do you?
Nice try "spin doctor". This is NOT Marcy Moore. Moore's breasts were MUCH bigger and her aureola's were twice the size. Do a search for yourself (Marcy was also much prettier, unlike Stanley Ann Dunham).
Who's paying you to try and dispel the truth? By the way, WHERE'S THE BIRTH CERTIFICATE? What ever happened to Gov. Neil Abercrombie of Hawaii finally giving closure on this matter? Huh?
Wow, there's never been a U.S. President with so many unanswered questions.. Do a search on the Social Security numbers 0bama has used too.. Sorry but, too many "mysteries" surround this President.
He's a FRAUD.
Nice try, Norman. Joseph Goebbels? Really?
How do you know a leftist is talking? He's accusing someone of being what he is.
She definitely looks like Obama´s mom. Sorry. I did my homework. It fits
Your all gay for ending up here and talking about politics.
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