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Friday, January 21, 2011

"Immelt to head revamped recovery advisory panel at WH" and related posts

Translation, the hundreds of billions to date still haven"t done it so the government should rearrange things so as to (further) underwrite the agenda and further distort it to meet political, not technological or economic drivers and we would then further distort our decisions with politics, pouring more into things this administration and its supporters want us to spend money on.

This affirms the obvious, that Tuesday"s State of the Union speech will see Obama"s fourth call (including all three such January addresses, and his first at the UN) for legislation Smaking clean energy the profitable kind. How obscenely direct, and even more garishly ignored each time by the media. He wants laws to make the uneconomic profitable for a politically selected class of people making politically selected gadgets, by taking your wealth and giving it to them which is something, as is clear in that fact this requires the force of the federal government, you would never do.

Make the uneconomic key word profitable". Because markets, driven by economics, will not. Only politicians can put your dollars to use to make the uneconomic profitable". And we know (and they again admit) that technology is not going to make these things what they would need to be to be profitable. Only state-imposed wealth transfers.

This nauseating display of crony capitalism is a reprisal of Obama and Immelt"s earlier buddy-flick. As I wrote in Power Grab:

SWhile palling around together on Obama"s [Economic Advisory Board, 'green economy' speculators] Immelt and [Al Gore partner at Kleiner Perkins, John] Doerr took to the pages of the Washington Post on the need for the U.S. to implement low carbon policies to fix America"s competitiveness crisis"

Did you know that America is losing its edge because its energy prices are too low, and it has too few wealth transfers and governmental intrusions into the economy? Well, you do now, as the long and the short of this public relations coup for Obama"s agenda was that these guys agreed that the U.S. needs new policies so that Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers and GE can make more money. Ah, fresh ideas and change."

Among the claims and admissions in the Post item was that Kleiner Perkins has invested $680 million in 48 of the most compelling new clean-energy technologies, with $1.1 billion more to invest." These gambles haven"t paid off for one simple reason: our government"s energy and climate policies are our principal obstacle to success."

Not policies that are actually obstructing them to innovate and create wealth; though we certainly have those, this isn"t of what these gents speak. What they mean is the absence of certain policies is what stands between them and their fortune. But here you see the clever use of language in Obama"s service toward energy rationing and old-school Progressivism.

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