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Saturday, January 15, 2011

"Pima Community College has released a video that resulted in Jared Lee Loughner's suspension from the school." and related posts

Pima Community College has released a video that resulted in Jared Lee Loughner"s suspension from the school.

Rambling and agitated, Tucson shooting suspect Jared Lee Loughner strode through Pima Community College, camera in hand alternately laughing and voicing anger at his Sgenocide school, which he called Sone of the biggest scams in America in a video released by college officials late Friday.

The nearly four-minute video, which was posted on YouTube on Sept. 23 and later removed, appeared to show Loughner on campus at night, moving briskly through buildings and a series of open courtyards.

SAll right, so here"s what we"re doing. We"re examining the torture of students, Loughner said as he began his narration of the video. He broke off when he appeared to recognize a man leaving a nearby building. SHow"s it going? Loughner shouted. SThanks for the B I"m pissed off.

Breathing heavily and laughing softly as he walked up a dark set of stairs, Loughner said: SI lost my freedom of speech to that guy and this is what happens. And I"m in a terrible place.

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