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Thursday, December 30, 2010

OMG! WTF? Chemtrails causing Alzheimers!

OMG! WTF? Is Right. Nasty Chemtrails gottta be dealt with. But, at the same time that's the price we pay to live the way we do. If it's not Chemtrails killing ya it's the wild animals and diseases, lol. I'll take the Chemtrails, thanks.
OMG! WTF? Aluminum Nanoparticules causing Alzheimers in chemtrails In spite of the existence of an international treaty to protect the upper atmosphere, the US has managed to make these spraying activities a ‘fait accomplis’ but at the same time is refusing to provide any evidence of the ingredients of this toxic air-born cocktail. The suppression of ‘global warming’ is hardly a credible answer to what is, by any account, an extraordinary invasion of citizens rights to clean air, water and soil. Aluminium sours the soil and makes it saline, reducing crop growth and establishing a toxic chain reaction through the food chain. Nano particles make ingestion by humans and animals more pervasive and dangerous. Aluminum inhalation and digestion is also believed to have a marked destabilising/depressant effect on the neocortex. Ethylene Dibromide is a toxic pesticide and fumigant. It is recognized as potentially lethal when inhaled regularly. It is currently used for the control of wax moths in beehives and against bark beetles and termites. It can seriously impair liver and kidney function and effect reproduction by damaging sperm cells in the testicles. Silicon is a common matalloid more often associated with computer manufacture and mobile phones than aircraft emissions. When one puts together the full picture of this bizarre experiment one cannot help but realise something is very badly wrong. By passing publicly the information passed on to him by observers from all over 

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