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Thursday, December 30, 2010

List of Journalists who conspired to suppress Anti-Obama news circa 2008

This BAD. VERY BAD. Good thing we got a list now of the CONSPIRATORS. Put these guys on the Conservative Watch List for PayBack. 
  1. Spencer Ackerman - Wired, FireDogLake, Washington Independent, Talking Points Memo, The American Prospect
  2. Thomas Adcock - New York Law Journal
  3. Ben Adler - Newsweek, POLITICO
  4. Mike Allen - POLITICO
  5. Eric Alterman - The Nation, Media Matters for America
  6. Marc Ambinder - The Atlantic
  7. Greg Anrig - The Century Foundation
  8. Ryan Avent - Economist
  9. Dean Baker - The American Prospect
  10. Nick Baumann - Mother Jones
  11. Josh Bearman - LA Weekly
  12. Steven Benen - The Carpetbagger Report
  13. Ari Berman - The Nation
  14. Jared Bernstein - Economic Policy Institute
  15. Michael Berube - Crooked Timer, Pennsylvania State University
  16. Brian Beutler - The Media Consortium
  17. Lindsay Beyerstein - Freelance journalist
  18. Joel Bleifuss - In These Times
  19. John Blevins - South Texas College of Law
  20. Eric Boehlert - Media Matters
  21. Sam Boyd - The American Prospect
  22. Ben Brandzel -, John Edwards Campaign
  23. Shannon Brownlee - Author, New America Foundation
  24. Rich Byrne - Playwright
  25. Kevin Carey - Education Sector
  26. Jonathan Chait - The New Republic
  27. Lakshmi Chaudry - In These Times
  28. Isaac Chotiner - The New Republic
  29. Ta-Nehisi Coates - The Atlantic
  30. Michael Cohen - New America Foundation
  31. Jonathan Cohn - The New Republic
  32. Joe Conason - The New York Observer
  33. Lark Corbeil - Public News Service
  34. David Corn - Mother Jones
  35. Daniel Davies - The Guardian
  36. David Dayen - FireDogLake
  37. Brad DeLong - The Economists’ Voice, University of California at Berkeley
  38. Ryan Donmoyer - Bloomberg News
  39. Adam Doster - In These Times
  40. Kevin Drum - Washington Monthly
  41. Matt Duss - Center for American Progress
  42. Gerald Dworkin - UC Davis
  43. Eve Fairbanks - The New Republic
  44. James Fallows - The Atlantic
  45. Henry Farrell - George Washington University
  46. Tim Fernholz - American Prospect
  47. Dan Froomkin - Huffington Post, Washington Post
  48. Jason Furman - Brookings Institution
  49. James Galbraith - University of Texas at Austin
  50. Kathleen Geier - Talking Points Memo
  51. Todd Gitlin - Columbia University
  52. Ilan Goldenberg - National Security Network
  53. Arthur Goldhammer - Harvard University
  54. Dana Goldstein - The Daily Beast
  55. Andrew Golis - Talking Points Memo
  56. Jaana Goodrich - Blogger
  57. Merrill Goozner - Chicago Tribune
  58. David Greenberg - Slate
  59. Robert Greenwald - Brave New Films
  60. Chris Hayes - The Nation
  61. Don Hazen - Alternet
  62. Jeet Heer - Canadian Journolist
  63. Jeff Hauser - Political Action Committee, Dennis Shulman Campaign
  64. Michael Hirsh - Newsweek
  65. James Johnson - University of Rochester
  66. John Judis - The New Republic, The American Prospect
  67. Michael Kazin - Georgetown University
  68. Ed Kilgore - Democratic Strategist
  69. Richard Kim - The Nation
  70. Charlie Kireker - Air America Media
  71. Mark Kleiman - UCLA The Reality Based Community
  72. Ezra Klein - Washington Post, Newsweek, The American Prospect
  73. Joe Klein - TIME
  74. Robert Kuttner - American Prospect, Economic Policy Institute
  75. Paul Krugman - The New York Times, Princeton University
  76. Lisa Lerer - POLITICO
  77. Daniel Levy - Century Foundation
  78. Ralph Luker - Cliopatria
  79. Annie Lowrey - Washington Independent
  80. Robert Mackey - New York Times
  81. Mike Madden - Salon
  82. Maggie Mahar - The Century Foundation
  83. Amanda Marcotte -
  84. Dylan Matthews - Harvard University
  85. Alec McGillis - Washington Post
  86. Scott McLemee - Inside Higher Ed
  87. Sara Mead - New America Foundation
  88. Ari Melber - The Nation
  89. David Meyer - University of California at Irvine
  90. Seth Michaels -
  91. Luke Mitchell - Harper’s Magazine
  92. Gautham Nagesh - The Hill, Daily Caller
  93. Suzanne Nossel - Human Rights Watch
  94. Michael O’Hare - University of California at Berkeley
  95. Josh Orton -, Air America Media
  96. Rodger Payne - University of Louisville
  97. Rick Perlstein - Author, Campaign for America’s Future
  98. Nico Pitney - Huffington Post
  99. Harold Pollack - University of Chicago
  100. Katha Pollitt - The Nation
  101. Ari Rabin-Havt - Media Matters
  102. Joy-Ann Reid - South Florida Times
  103. David Roberts - Grist
  104. Lamar Robertson - Partnership for Public Service
  105. Sara Robinson - Campaign For America's Future
  106. Alyssa Rosenberg - Washingtonian, The Atlantic, Government Executive
  107. Alex Rossmiller - National Security Network
  108. Michael Roston - Newsbroke
  109. Laura Rozen - POLITICO, Mother Jones
  110. Felix Salmon - Reuters
  111. Greg Sargent - Washington Post
  112. Thomas Schaller - Baltimore Sun
  113. Noam Scheiber - The New Republic
  114. Michael Scherer - TIME
  115. Mark Schmitt - American Prospect, The New America Foundation
  116. Nancy Scola - Personal Democracy Forum
  117. Rinku Sen - ColorLines Magazine
  118. Julie Bergman Sender - Balcony Films
  119. Adam Serwer - American Prospect
  120. Walter Shapiro -
  121. Kate Sheppard - Mother Jones
  122. Matthew Shugart - UC San Diego
  123. Micah Sifry - Sunlight Foundation, Personal Democracy Forum
  124. Nate Silver -
  125. Jesse Singal - The Boston Globe, Washington Monthly
  126. Ann-Marie Slaughter - Princeton University
  127. Ben Smith - POLITICO
  128. Sarah Spitz - KCRW
  129. Adele Stan - The Media Consortium
  130. Paul Starr - The Atlantic
  131. Kate Steadman - Kaiser Health News
  132. Kay Steiger - Center for American Progress
  133. Jonathan Stein - Mother Jones
  134. Sam Stein - Huffington Post
  135. Matt Steinglass - Deutsche Presse-Agentur
  136. James Surowiecki - The New Yorker
  137. Jesse Taylor -
  138. Steven Teles - Yale University
  139. Mark Thoma - The Economists' View
  140. Michael Tomasky - The Guardian
  141. Jeffrey Toobin - CNN, The New Yorker
  142. Rebecca Traister - Salon
  143. Karen Tumulty - Washington Post, TIME
  144. Tracy Van Slyke - The Media Consortium
  145. Paul Waldman - Author, American Prospect
  146. Dave Weigel - Washington Post, MSNBC, The Washington Independent
  147. Moira Whelan - National Security Network
  148. Scott Winship - Pew Economic Mobility Project
  149. J. Harry Wray - DePaul University
  150. D. Brad Wright - University of NC at Chapel Hill
  151. Kai Wright - The Root
  152. Holly Yeager - Columbia Journalism Review
  153. Rich Yeselson - Change to Win
  154. Matthew Yglesias - Center for American Progress, The Atlantic Monthly
  155. Jonathan Zasloff - UCLA
  156. Julian Zelizer - Princeton University
  157. Avi Zenilman - POLITICO

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