legislative leaders said Walker now has enough support in both chambers to approve the measure, which he said is necessary to address a projected $3.6 billion budget deficit.Today about 200 Appleton East High School students filed out of class at 9:30 a.m. Tuesday chanting, "Save our teachers, save our school." and joined teachers in a protest outside the state capitol, but of course they had no Idea what/why they were doing (if you cannot see videos below click here)
"We're broke and we don't want to lay off almost 20,000 people," said Senate President Mike Ellis, a Neenah Republican, who added, "They've got the votes to pass it."
John Matthews, who heads the Madison teachers union, asked the school superintendent to close schools today because few teachers and staff represented by the union will be present.The teachers ended up calling in sick so they could go to the rally and taking the kids with them. Stuart Varney of Fox News confronted a union activist about the "sick in"
Madison Supt. Dan Nerad warned parents Tuesday that there may be excessive absences today through the rest of the week as teachers and staff take time off to protest.
Nice lesson for the kids, lie about being sick so you can get out of work, go to a rally even though you have no idea what you are doing, and of course when your employer is going bankrupt...do what ever you can to push them over the edge.
Read More... [Source: YID With LID]
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