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Saturday, February 26, 2011

Why Daniels' Surrender To Democrats Matters

(Via Hot Air) First, Governor Mitch Daniels has some clarifying thoughts. Which is double-speak for “ops, I’m in deep crap now with my base and I need to walk back comments I made”:

First, I need to clarify a confusion I personally caused yesterday. I didn�t realize it at the time; most of you were not confused; yesterday I began extemporaneous comments by saying that the activities of the last two days- and I think I gestured to the atrium- were entirely appropriate. I was talking about the protestors and those who came to express their views and the strength of those views. They are welcome here, today and every day. What they’ve done is completely appropriate. It was not to condone the activities of the house Democratic caucus; which is completely unacceptable of course. Rereading my own comments, I could see how they could have been misconstrued and a couple of people did. So just for those of you who did misunderstand, my bad, but I don�t want any question left. Huge distinction between people exercising their first amendment rights and people who take a public paycheck, walk off the job, go to another state, and try to wreck the democratic process.

“The House Democrats have shown a complete contempt for the democratic process. The way that works - as we all learned in grade school - is that if you seek public office you come do your duty, you argue, you debate, you amend if you can, you vote ‘no’ if you feel you should. If you are not successful, you go home and take your case to the voters. You don�t walk off the job, take your public paycheck with you, and attempt to bring the whole process to a screeching halt. You know if they persist, the Democratic Party of Indiana will need a rebranding effort because this is as anti-democratic as behavior can be.

“All that said, I think they deserve another chance, let the heat of the moment cool I hope. Maybe if their leadership doesn’t have a conscience about the unconscionable things they’ve done, maybe individuals members do.”

All of what he says here, is meaningless. The real question is, did he realize his mistake and choose to side with Indiana Legislative Republicans?

The short answer: No. The long answer: This statement was the equivalent of him seeing his “mistake”, throws the bus in reverse and runs back over legislative Republicans again. Then, if it wasn’t bad enough, for good measure he throws the bus back into drive and runs them over a third time. I bet you anything he is all smiles and thinks he is good with legislative Republicans once more.

He might have been careless, but he didn’t make anything better. Nowhere in his statement does he give a Mea Culpa on the issue of Right-To-Work. No where is there an apology to Indiana Republicans. In fact, he even forgives the sins of Indiana Democrats and asks them nicely to come back home. When did we fall down the rabbit hole and end up in Wonderland?

Jim Geraghty rightfully asks: If the Indiana House Democrats get what they want through this tactic, what�s to prevent them from using it again and again every time they think they�ll lose on a big issue? Indiana House Speaker Brian Bosma thinks so.

This battle and Daniels’ surrender matters for two very big reasons:

  1. Right-To-Work should be a right to everyone. We have something in the US called “Freedom Of Association” and people should not be forced to associate with a union on the condition of employment.
  2. If this guy can cave so easily on this one issue, how do you think he’ll act as President and faced with a Democrat Filibuster up on the Hill?

Maybe this is a good thing that Daniels is showing us he is as spineless as they come. Mitch Daniels is weak and has abdicated complete power to Indiana Democrats. If you think they’ll let Daniels reform education in Indiana now, like Mitch Daniels campaign on, then I want what you’re smoking. Now we know before we had the primary. It is bad enough he did this in Indiana, I will not let him give away power like that to the entire United States.

[Cross-Posted On Practical]

Read More... [Source: Recommended Diaries]

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