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Saturday, January 22, 2011

"Roe vs. Wade: 38 years after the legal decision, the social argument rages" and related posts

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There may be no legal appeal beyond the Supreme Court's historic decision in Roe vs. Wade, but 38 years later the country is still divided, still arguing and still emotional over the abortion issue.

The arguments are encapsulated today in two brief public anniversary statements issued by their respective offices. One is from a Democrat, Barack Obama, who already is president. The other is from Ohio's Republican John Boehner, who is the new House speaker, who could become president after the vice president.

Today marks the 38th anniversary of the Supreme Court"s tragic Roe v. Wade decision that tore asunder a right to life our Founding Fathers described so indelibly in our Declaration of Independence. The decision denigrated the respect we must have for life at all stages, especially the innocent unborn.

The new House majority has listened to the people and pledged to end taxpayer funding of abortion.�A ban is the will of the people and ought to be the law of the land.�

This week, Congressman Chris Smith introduced bipartisan legislation that....

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