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Sunday, January 2, 2011

'The U.S. Will Be Transformed Into an Islamic Republic'

The rate of converts to Islam in the US is very high. Spy on America.
 Egyptian journalist ‘Ata Abd Al-Aal told an Egyptian religious channel that “the U.S. will be transformed into an Islamic Republic” due to the large number of converts each year. He also gave advice on how to raise the number of converts and encouraged them to participate in the U.S. electoral system.

“The Islamic institutions in the Islamic world should send preachers who are well versed in Islam, who know how to preach to the American mentality, and who are proficient in English and can communicate with the Americans,” Abd Al-Aal told Egyptian religious channel Al-Rahma/Al-Rawdha TV. “The rate of converts to Islam in the U.S. is very high. This is of great alarm to the Zionist circles in the U.S., because this rate is rising on a daily basis. These converts adhere to Islam with total conviction. They become preachers themselves, and convince others to convert to Islam.”

Al-Rahma TV was previously banned in European countries, such as France, for calling for violence against Jews. “Your turn has come at last, you offspring of apes and pigs, you most accursed creatures created by Allah, you people who have harmed the Prophet again and again,” Egyptian cleric Hazem Shuman said on an Oct. 31, 2009, Al-Rahma TV broadcast. “The Jews have proven they are like a cancer, if they are not removed from the body of the nation, they will kill the entire nation… The Jews are dangerous to the whole world.”

Egyptian Journalist 'Ata Abd Al-Aal: 'The U.S. Will Be Transformed into an Islamic Republic'; The Most Important Place For the Future of Islam, After Mecca And Medina, is the U.S.

In a recent TV interview, Egyptian journalist 'Ata Abd Al-Aal, said that ultimately "the U.S. [will] be transformed into an Islamic republic." Abd Al-Aal told the Egyptian Al-Rahma/Al-Rawdha TV that the rate of conversion to Islam in the U.S. is very high, which is "of great alarm to the Zionist circles in the U.S.," and is rising "on a daily basis."

In the interview, which aired on December 12, 2010, Abd Al-Aal, a journalist for the Al-Ahram government daily, who visited the U.S. in 2002,[1] said that the da'wa institutions in Islamic countries should stop inciting Muslim communities in the U.S. to refrain from taking part in elections, and should instead send preachers familiar with the American mentality and better equipped to encourage conversion to Islam.

Abd Al-Aal is the recipient of two awards of the Egyptian journalists' union the first in 2004 for an interview he conducted with his 108 year-old father,[2] and the second in 2007 for his investigative research of mistakes in translations of the Koran in 15 languages.[3]

To view this clip on MEMRI TV, visit

"The Rate of Converts to Islam in the U.S. Is Very High"

'Ata Abd Al-Aal: "The rate of converts to Islam in the U.S. is very high. This is of great alarm to the Zionist circles in the U.S., because this rate is rising on a daily basis. These converts adhere to Islam with total conviction. They become preachers themselves, and convince others to convert to Islam. You are more knowledgeable than me in this issue, and you know that many Americans convert to Islam every day."

Interviewer: "To conclude this show, let me ask: Even though Islam has a strong presence and deep roots among the Islamic communities in the U.S. and Europe, what is required of the da'wa institutions in our countries?"

'Ata Abd Al-Aal: "They should send religious guides, as the Americans call them, or preachers, who should put an end to the calls not to participate in the elections. Some of the sheiks who go to the U.S. during the month of Ramadan or on other religious occasions incite the Muslims living there not to take part in the elections, because they are living among infidels. This is very troubling, and runs counter to the rights of the Muslims in the U.S.

"The Islamic institutions in the Islamic world should send preachers who are well versed in Islam, who know how to preach to the American mentality, and who are proficient in English and can communicate with the Americans. Over there, they must forsake their own material and personal interests, and must act for the sake of Allah."

"The U.S. Will Be Transformed into an Islamic Republic"

"[Ultimately,] the U.S. will be transformed into an Islamic republic, as a sheik in the U.S. told me. He said that the most important place for the future of Islam, after Mecca and Medina, was the U.S. [...]"




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