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Saturday, January 15, 2011

Liberal Haters Hate Tweet on Sarah Palin

“I hope Sarah Palin dies an ugly death and takes her moronic hate with her.” - Spy on America.
The Jan. 8 attack on Rep. Gabrielle Giffords (D-Ariz.) and the subsequent media focus on former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin's (R) opposition to Giffords's reelection in 2010 sparked a slew of death wishes against the prominent Republican on the social networking site Twitter.

Approximately 50 anti-Palin tweets were compiled in a YouTube video published Jan. 10. Most were made on Jan. 8, the day of the shooting.

The compilation leads off with one user asking on Jan. 9, “When will the crosshairs fall over a Palin? Don’t any liberals own guns and forget to take their meds? C’mon already.” The “crosshairs” was a  reference to Palin’s electoral map that featured crosshair bullseyes over districts the former governor thought conservatives could win.

Another user wrote on Jan. 8,  “I hope Sarah Palin dies an ugly death and takes her moronic hate with her.”
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