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Thursday, January 20, 2011

"Cameron Diaz: "I Bought Weed" From Snoop Dogg" and related posts

Katy Perry isn't the only "California Gurl" hanging out with Snoop Dogg -- Cameron Diaz says she and the rapper go way back.

"We went to high school together," the Bad Teacher actress, 38, said of her fellow Long Beach Polytechnic High School alum, 39, on Wednesday's Lopez Tonight. "He was a year older than me....I remember him, he was very tall and skinny. He wore lots of ponytails."

PHOTOS: See what Cameron looked like in high school

Another thing that hasn't changed: his passion for pot.

"I'm pretty sure I bought weed from him," Diaz said of Snoop, who has a medical marijuana card. "I was green even in high school!"

VIDEO: More green-friendly celebs

No word on if she sampled his gin and juice, but the star admitted school was kind of rough even with her weed connection.

PHOTOS: Check out how Cameron got her start in Hollywood

"Anytime you heard the locker slam and you"d turn and there was a girl taking off her earrings, she's pulling her hair back in a ponytail and she's taking all her friends' rings and coming at you like this," she said. "I used to get in fights with boys more than girls, for some reason boys liked to fight me. But one time in junior high I had this girl come up to me in the locker room from behind and pull my hair back. I had to shut her down!"

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