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Thursday, January 13, 2011

"Kay Bailey Hutchison: I�m retiring in 2012" and related posts

The most amazing thing here is the level of talent that will be competing for this seat. There are several GOP candidates who are viable and would be good to great senators if elected.

Inside track Lt Gov David Dewhurst. He"s a billionaire, so he can fund the race and defend the seat, and he holds what is actually the most powerful post in Texas government, so he has been collecting chits on this run for years.

Track 2 AG Greg Abbott. The grassroots and Tea Parties adore Abbott. He has championed the anti-ObamaCare lawsuit, and is one of Texas" absolute best stump speakers. He has also led a crackdown on deadbeat dads, which has earned him a lot of support in the middle.

Track 3 Roger Williams. Former Texas Secretary of State, and he chaired the state Victory effort in 2008, raising $5 million in a couple of months. He"s wealthy, sharp, and may have the most experienced campaign talent on his side.

Track 4 Michael Williams, Elizabeth Ames Jones, state Sen. Dan Patrick, former solicitor general Ted Cruz. Williams and Jones are both on the Railroad Commission, Williams has major grassroots support and is mindblowingly good at stump speeches, Patrick has a major Houston radio show and is very media savvy and well liked, Jones has money and some major backers of her own. Cruz is a bit of a dark horse (as is Patrick) but the grassroots love him and he"s also great on the stump. None of these candidates are bad candidates. All have held or currently hold major offices.

It will be a fascinating race to watch. There may be 20-25 candidates total on the GOP side, compared to 2 or 3 on the D side, with former Houston mayor Bill White leading that field. He was a terrible candidate for governor, no reason to think he"ll be any better running for Senate. The GOP keeps the seat, and chances are, gets a more conservative senator.

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