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Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Obama’s New ‘Unreasonable’ Standard

The seal of the United States Department of He...
Image via Wikipedia
Last week we saw a troubling new pattern: The Obama administration is embracing an “unreasonable” standard — pun not necessarily intended, but it fits — for deciding if it likes what private sector companies are doing.
The unreasonable standard is being applied to both private sector health insurers and companies that provide Internet service.  But expect the White House to impose the standard on a lot more industries as the Obama blob continues to absorb every aspect of the economy.
What it means is that we are abandoning the rule of law for the rule by bureaucrats.  Unelected officials have been given the power to fundamentally remake industries based on their political and value judgments.
Take the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (aka, ObamaCare).  The law empowers the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) to monitor health insurance premium increases.  If HHS bureaucrats identify increases they think are “unreasonable” — which they define, at least for now, as a 10 percent increase or higher in one year — they can begin to harass the company.
The New York Times explains, “A rate increase will be considered unreasonable if it is excessive, unjustified or ‘unfairly discriminatory.’”  Translation: HHS bureaucrats, not an objective standard, get to decide who is playing fair and who isn’t.
And the punishment?  “Under the new federal law, insurers that show ‘a pattern or practice of excessive or unjustified premium increases’ can be excluded from the centralized insurance market, or exchange, to be set up in each state by 2014.”
What do ya bet that big Obama donors who make nice with the administration will be more likely to get a pass on high premium increases?
We had a taste of how the administration responds to what it considers to be unreasonable increases last fall when health insurers started raising their premiums to reflect the new benefits and “consumer protections” being forced on them under ObamaCare.
HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius pounced, sending a letter to America’s Health Insurance Plans (AHIP), a health insurance trade association, asserting: “There will be zero tolerance for this type of misinformation and unjustified rate increases. …. Simply stated, we will not stand idly by as insurers blame their premium hikes and increased profits on the requirement that they provide consumers with basic protections.”  Translation: We’re going to make your life miserable until you recognize there’s a new sheriff in town.
Here, folks, we see the usual pattern of liberal, big-government demagogues.  They proclaim that they — as the protectors of the people — will ensure the public gets many more benefits for much lower costs.  When it becomes evident they can’t deliver on their promises, the demagogues turn to price controls, along with more threats and regulations, as the only way to “stem the greed.”  As a result, companies that had been participating in the market begin to drop out, reducing competition and choice.  The whole market becomes even more dysfunctional, and the government feels justified in stepping in for a full-scale takeover.
Ditto the government’s new effort, through the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), with respect to the Internet.
Talk about a solution is search or a problem, if there is anything that has been working well it’s the Internet.  And it is largely because government — whether ours or others, or the United Nations — has had little to no control over it.  And the public likes it that way.  A new Rasmussen poll shows only 21 percent of the public wants government to regulate the Internet.
But the Obama administration can’t let something remain unregulated, lest everyone would want fewer regulations.  So FCC Chairman Julius Genachowski has rammed through “net neutrality” regulations to give the government more control.
At the Dec. 21 FCC meeting, the chairman said: “As we stand here now, the freedom and openness of the Internet are unprotected.  No rules on the books to protect basic Internet values.  No process for monitoring Internet openness as technology and business models evolve.  No recourse for innovators, consumers, or speakers harmed by improper practices.  And no predictability for Internet service providers, so that they can effectively manage and invest in broadband networks.  That will change once we vote to approve this strong and balanced order.”
It’s a wonder the Internet has done so well all these years without all of Genachowski’s rules, regulations and recourses.  Or maybe it has done so well precisely because it lacked those rules, regulations and recourses.
We’re told that the new rules, which haven’t actually been released, give private Internet service providers the right to engage in “reasonable network management” while banning “unreasonable discrimination.”
Here again we have to ask if anyone knows exactly what “unreasonable” means.  When the government sets up such wide, undefinable standards, it gives the Obama administration lots of wiggle room to do pretty much whatever it wants.
And we’re not done.  I suspect we will see the unreasonable standard being applied to the Dodd-Frank financial reform bill, new Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) rules and many more.
Vague language like the unreasonable standard allows the president and his minions to substitute subjective opinions for objective laws, and accuse any uncooperative company of being greedy or self-serving.  And it sends a message: it’s time to do it our way if you want to play in the Obama economy.
Merrill Matthews is a resident scholar with the Institute for Policy Innovation in Dallas, Texas.

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