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Wednesday, March 2, 2011

SC Punk Posse and Precinct Participation

If you are a regular reader of SC political blogs, you may have caught this one over at Stuffed Suits:

The Punk Posse Running South Carolina

The blogger talks about the cesspool that SC politics has become in part due to the influence of a “punk posse” of negative campaigners, and he lays out some of their antics:

Robert Cahaly makes a living having his minions push negative information about opposing candidates as shown by his actions while working for Ken Ard during the primary and general election. This punk posse is all intertwined and repeatedly work together even while they may represent candidates opposing each other during elections. Many times, a political hack is inserted into a campaign as a consultant simply to assure the candidate doesn’t pose a serious threat to his/her foe in a specific election. I personally have no doubts that Donehue and Folks were working together against Haley in the Governor’s race. Donehue works for the Senate caucus and killed the broadcast of his Pub Politics show in which Jake Knotts called Haley a raghead. Knotts is Andre Bauer’s watchdog and Bauer was running in the Gubernatorial primary as well. Some money changes hands and accusations against Haley are nationwide news.

I’ve posted a few blogs about that infamous Pub Politics interview with Jake Knotts … the episode that Wesley Donehue has never posted on the website where all other episodes are posted.

The Knotts Comment

Will the GOP follow their own platform re: racism?

Is an “R” Rating Good Enough for You?

And I followed the social media fallout that evening/the next day of Donehue’s refusal and various excuses for not posting that video of Jake Knotts:

From Twitter:

Senator Knotts just popped in Pub Politics.No. Seriously.

@bryandcox we had technical issues the entire episode. Feed kept going up and down. I must have forgot to hit record last time. Thursday, June 03, 2010 7:56:46 PM via TweetDeck in reply to bryandcox

@scpolitico usteam messed up, but I have a high quality version Thursday, June 03, 2010 8:32:07 PM via Twitter for iPhone in reply to scpolitico

@bryandcox it’s on my canon ax h1 Thursday, June 03, 2010 8:57:59 PM via Twitter

@bryandcox Why not? RT @wesleydonehue: We are not publishing yesterday’s episode of Pub Politics. Friday, June 04, 2010 1:59:18 PM via UberTwitter

We will only release video if @hambypcnn can get us a deal to broadcast Pub Politics each week on CNN.

From Facebook:

Pub Politics
We changed our minds.
June 4 at 1:56pm � Flag

Pub Politics
Lowl - that is something we may consider doing, but it is not going up before Tuesday.

Naunihal - our hesitation is in publishing a video that flys in the face of every reason we created the show. Maybe we will change our minds after the election when it doesn’t matter, but for now our decision stands.

So … They forgot to hit record. …NO WAIT… The feeds kept going up and down. …NO WAIT… Ustream was down but they have a high quality version.

Whatever. Why is this important now? Every county in South Carolina will be having precinct reorganization in the next few weeks. Any registered Republican will be able to show up at their polling location on reorg night (Spartanburg and Greenville counties are on March 3). You can become a delegate and vote for your party leadership at your county convention in April. If you choose to, you can pay a small fee and become a delegate to the state convention on May 7. At that May 7 convention we will have the opportunity to choose a new SCGOP Chairman. And HERE is why the “punk posse” article is relevant.

I am sending each candidate for SCGOP Chair an email after the county conventions asking them this:

“Since Wesley Donehue is currently a paid consultant for SCGOP and situations like the Jake Knotts video and the shenanigans in the “Punk Posse” article have contributed greatly to the cesspool that is GOP politics in SC, what position will you take on paid consultants for SCGOP? More specifically, will the SCGOP still retain Donehue’s services if you become chairman, given the protection Donehue gave to Jake Knotts when Knotts uttered those racist statements on his Pub Politics program in June 2010 and then he refused to post the video, while all the other videos of that program ARE posted?”

I’ll give them a week to respond and then I’ll post their answers in a follow up blog.

In the meantime, I think I’ll do a little more research on this other issue … you may remember back in October John O’Connor reported:

State Republican Party staff members eavesdropped on a conference call organized by party activists to strategize ways to convince GOP candidates adopt more of the party platform, according to several people who participated in the meeting. Republican activists have been critical of chairman Karen Floyd�s tenure, arguing the party is spending too much money on consultants at the expense of promoting a conservative ideas and candidates.

Organizers said the call was intended as brainstorming session for fall campaigns, and not to discuss party leadership or direction. But when the call ended, the list of participants contained an unknown number. Organizers called the number and reached a phone within Republican Party offices. State party officials declined to discuss the conference call.

�No comment,� S.C. GOP executive director Joel Sawyer said. �I�m not confirming or denying anything.�

Cross posted from Spartanburg Tea Party

Read More... [Source: Recommended Diaries]

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