Friends and Favorites
- The Audacity of Logic - Where true conservatism as the politics of reason and logic competes with liberalism as the politics of emotion and good intentions.
- Churchill's Parrot - Championing the Churchillian Spirit in the churn of current events since 1937... 1937? Founding member of The Anglosphere Consortium.
- FouseSquawk - Educator and veteran Gary Fouse covers current issues of the day including terrorism, campus radicalism, illegal immigration and politics. An excellent writer with an extensive resumé, that he's obviously not done padding.
- Eye of Polyphemus - Chronicling the fall of Western Civilization with only one good eye. The Eye covers politics, law, science fiction, culture and female celebrity photos.
The Links
- Civil Candor - Enlightened Cynicism for Turbulent Times (I wish I'd thought of that line).
- Meat and Potatoes - Giving real Americans what they want.
- - Entertaining and Original Rants From a Regular Guy (and I'm not talking about a high-fiber diet guy).
- - Documenting Waste and Mismanagement In The U.S. Government.
- The Crackhead Almanac - An opinion machine weary of unclothed emperors and their media minions.
- Darrell Vaughn - An educator, entrepreneur and musician engaging in a little conservative political analysis on the side.
- Conservative Values - Conservative values are the foundation of conservatism. The true definition of conservatism has been lost by many Republicans. As Republicans we need to return to the principles of a Reagan Conservative.
- Grass Roots Annie - where Americans talk back to the government, the media and each other.
- The Write Stuff - A politically conservative professor swimming upstream against an overwhelmingly liberal tide in academia.
- The Cultural Economist - Studies on how we interact with economic events and conditions based on our belief systems.
- Citizens for Political Reform - CPR is a non-partisan group for citizens who feel disenfranchised by our corrupt political system and politicians.
- Love for the Truth - A team blog that covers current events and the latest news.
- Thanks (for nothing) Obama - Commentary on the Obama administration's attack on capitalism and free enterprise.
- Noah Johns - Politics from the right, truth from the heart.
- Don't Spread My Wealth - Conservative news and political opinion featuring exclusive interviews, podcasts and commentary.
- Citizens Against Big Government - Lower taxes, smaller government, personal freedom.
- The Happy Conservative - The lone conservative at an elite college exposes intolerant, absurd, and morally vacuous campus life.
- Outlawed Conservatism - This isn't a site for Democrats or even Republicans who are not Conservatives. There are no bold pastels.
- Conservative Ponderment - Thoughts from a different point of view...
- The Productive Slacker - This is the way I see it. I could be wrong, but I doubt it.
- The Common Conservative - A common sense approach to conservative values and political issues.
- The BoBo Files - BoBo makes the loony left loonier. Yes, I know; I didn't think it was possible either, but here's proof.
- Cristy Li - A conservative columnist and blogger with a legal background. (That's a pretty lame comment for a very good blog, help me out here, Cristi... anybody?)
- Rucking Fidiculous - Angry at the liberal attitude to all things that make America great. By the UnapologeticEthnoCentricSemite and AmericanConfucius.
- The Conservative Hawk - Thoughts on limited government, taxes and the idiocy of liberal idealism.
- The Peregrin Falcon - The Falcon explores the world of politics, science and American popular culture while encouraging debate from both liberals and conservatives.
- Yves Chauvire's Opinions - Occasional pieces of well-reasoned sense.
- theFinancialSkinny - A combination of conservative political commentary combined with financial and investing information.
- Red County - Grassroots politics from the center-right. An outstanding network of conservative blogs.
- DotPenn - News and Reviews for the Illiterati. Where the facts don’t get in the way of the truth. I'm not sure just how conservative these folks are, but funny is funny.
- Wingless - Honesty without Allegiance. Independant opinion that refuses allegiance to any "wing" or party.
- Flagged For Removal - No, I'm not removing this blog, that's the name. A divorce diary that's morphed into a conservative blog. It makes perfect sense to me. A fun read.
- Conservative Wordsmith - Susan Baldwin on current events, American culture, religion, news, politics, movies and more... more? -- what more?
- Michael Johns - A former White House speechwriter, Heritage Foundation policy analyst and award-winning conservative author and writer, Michael Johns provides in-depth analysis on global affairs, the global and U.S. economy, and other topics.
- Enemies Within - A patriot's blog exposing the enemies within. The website is here.
- America Coast 2 Coast - An online community where conservatives can go to meet with other conservatived, exchange ideas and discuss topics that involve the party.
- Lee Wilson’s Blog - Lee Wilson's thoughts on politics, life, abortion, the Bible and personal relationships. Author of The Real Heaven.
- Conservative Oasis - Conservative political discussion. Don't worry... it's cool, clear water, not Kool-aid.
- Notoriously Conservative - Humorous and ecletic commentary on a broad range of conservative issues from politics to free market economics.
- Ft. Hard Knox* - Politically conservative Web 2.0 activists. An excellent blog where conservatives can learn how to survive among the left-wing infestation of the social networks.
- 1389 Blog - A counterjihadist who also discusses technology, Web 2.0, mobile computing, current events, and a little of everything else.
- Stix Blog - A conservative blog that's not all about politics all the time. I especially enjoy fun fridays. Part of the Grizzly Groundswell.
- LibertyBlog - More Liberty--Less Government! Say it again! What do we want? Nothing. When do we want it? Leave us alone! From Liberty Pen.
- Politisite - Politics from the RIGHT Side of the Web.
The Big Blogs
Conservative Blogs so well known they don't need to be on anyone's blog list, but you really can't have a respectable conservative blog directory without them.- Top Conservative Blogs - My very own page of the latest posts from the top conservative blogs. Keep up-to-date with the most influential conservative blogs in the conservative blogosphere on one handy, fast loading page.
- Instapundit - Glenn Reynolds on law and current affairs, author of "An Army of Davids." Pajamas Media
- - I'm not quite sure what's going on here, but I like it. I also like this cool bloglossary, a term I just coined for "blog glossary" which isn't in the bloglossary, but should be.
- Eject! Eject! Eject! - Writer, pilot and great American, Bill Whittle is the author of Silent America.
- Gates of Vienna - We are in a new phase of a very old war. Part of the 910 Group.
- Dissecting Leftism - John Ray's blog. Also see John Ray's Documents.
- Powerline - Lawyers you can like. News and commentary from a conservative point-of-view.
- No Left Turns - The Ashbrook Center Weblog. The Ashbrook Center teaches what it means to be an American.
- - A regular site for regular folks.
- Flynn Files - Daniel J. Flynn, author of "Intellectual Morons" and "Why the Left Hates America."
- Gutrumbles - Rob (aka Acidman) is deceased. His son is reposting material from the archives. Thanks for keeping the site going Sam.