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Monday, February 14, 2011

CPAC 2011:Day 3- The Last Picture Show

As mentioned the first day of CPAC, this year's affair felt different.  In the end I believe that this year's affair did not have the sense of urgency as last year.  The 2010 CPAC pointed toward an election eight months after.  This year the goal is 20 months away.  Yes we need to cut spending, and want to get rid of Obamacare, but the real prize is the 2012 election.

The day started out with Andrew Breitbart, incredibly Breitbart can speak extemporaneously much better than most people can speak with notes...the man is informative and hilarious.  After he spoke to the full convention, Breitbart came up to the Blogger's lounge to discuss the Pigford scandal. If you cannot see videos on this page-CLICK HERE

The Lounge started with Breitbart and ended with a visit from keynote speaker Congressman Allen West, and the middle loaded with hard work. Here are some of the people who starred in the blogger lounge today.

Bruce Carroll, the Gay Patriot

Carol Greenberg  Conservative Outlooks:

Donald Douglas The American Power Blogger:

Jane Jamison Editor of

Some guy named Jeff Dunetz, they call "Yid With Lid"

Tabitha Hale the "Wonder Woman" Who picked who would be in the lounge, organized and made sure we had everything we needed, it was a thankless job.

Well it wasn't totally thankless because we chipped in and gave her flowers to say thank you.  Here she is with Melissa Clouthier (Liberty Pundit)

My Twitter Buddy, Radio's Tammy Bruce

The "Other McCain" R..S McCain

Fellow TEMS Chatizan Steve Eggleston of No Runny Eggs

As the Day Wrapped up we were treated to a visit by newly elected Congressman Col. Allen West CPAC's Keynote speaker:

That's it for now.....there will be more coming during the next few days as I get some sleep and a chance to digest
Read More... [Source: YID With LID]

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