- Abortion No Center for Bio-Ethical Reform's pro-life truck-billboard campaign
- Accuracy in Academia Restoring traditional academic ethics in our universities
- Accuracy in Media "Your Watchdog of the News Media"
- Alliance for American Manufacturing What's more patriotic than American Jobs!
- The American Cause Pat Buchanan's group: To put our own country, America, first
- American Conservative Union Supporting capitalism, the original intent of the Constitution, traditional moral values, and a strong national defense.
- American Economic Alert U.S. Business and Industry Council's project: fighting for American companies and jobs
- American Life League Pro-life group dedicated to protecting the sanctity of life from conception
- American Patrol Report Reporting on the Border.
- American Policy Center Exposing the truth on "global warming", Goals 2000, & more
- American Land Rights Association Defending YOUR land rights
- Americans Against World Empire Opposing U.S. war with Iraq, Kosovo, etc.
- Angola Freedom Fighters (UNITA) Founded by Dr. Jonas Savimbi
- AntiWar.com Committee Against U.S. Intervention
- Association of American Physicians and Surgeons Excellent info on threats to freedom in health care
- Becket Fund for Religious Liberty Legal support for religious freedom
- Boycott the Communist Chinese Olympics Sign the petition
- Congressman Roscoe Bartlett A Maryland Congressman fights for your rights
- John Birch Society Fighting the New World Order and threats to individual liberty
- California Coalition For Immigration Reform Fighting illegal immigration
- Campaign For Liberty Ron Paul's grassroots organization
- CATS--Citizens for an Alternative Tax System Abolish the IRS! Enact a sales tax
- Center for Immigration Studies Research & analysis of the economic & social impacts of immigration
- China E-Lobby Excellent reporting on China
- Christian Boys' and Men's Titanic Society Portraying the story of the Titanic as it really happened
- Christian Coalition
- Christian Exodus Establishing a constitutionally limited government founded upon Christian principles
- Citizens for a Sound Economy (Freedom Works) Pro-economic liberty group
- Citizens for Term Limits Supporting a Constitutional amendment limiting Congressional terms
- Citizens United Exposing Clinton scandals
- Claremont Institute Users Guide to the Declaration of Independence
- The Coalition to Save Manned Space Exploration Learn how to save the space program
- Collegiate Network Links to dozens of conservative Student Newspapers!
- Competitive Enterprise Institute advancing free enterprise and limited government
- Concerned Women for America The nation's largest pro-family women's organization
- Consumer Freedom Fighting for Consumer Choice
- Daily Paul Ron Paul Supporters - Forums
- Day Cares Don't Care Educating parents about the dangers of daycare, pre-school, government care, etc.
- Declaration Foundation Alan Keyes' Organization
- Eagle Forum Phyllis Schlafly's famous pro family organization
Eagle Forum's "modern education" glossary What do "Values Clarification", "School-to-work", etc. really mean?
Education Reporter - at Eagle Forum How our schools are betraying and drugging our children
Eagle Forum Collegians Eagle Forum's campus organization - Faith and Action Supporting the Ten Commandments
- Federation for American Immigration Reform Citizen lobbying group against illegal and unlimited immigration
- Foundation for Individual Rights in Education Working to restore individual liberty and responsibility to universities
- Free Congress Foundation Protecting America's culture and Constitutional liberties
- Free John Thoburn Fighting for property rights against zoning tyrants
- Free Republic Activism and information! Thousands of daily postings: read and participate.
- Foundation for Moral Law Alabama Chief Justice Roy Moore "the 10 Commandments judge", and his organization
- Freedom Works Dick Armey's Tea Party Group
- Frontiers of Freedom Sen. Malcolm Wallop's property rights group
- Future of Freedom Foundation Libertarian organization "spreading ideas on freedom"
- Georgie Anne Geyer's Newspaper Columns
- Gun Owners of America Protecting your Second Amendment rights (Lots of gun links!)
- The Heritage Foundation Research & promotion of conservative policies to key decision makers
- High Frontier How to protect America from nuclear missile attack
- Home School Legal Defense Assoc. Protecting the right to home school your children
- Howard Phillips' Blog
- Human Rights Olympic Torch Relay Participate in promoting freedom and human rights in China
- Independent Institute Enlightening ideas for public policy Independent Review - Publication
Liberty Tree Conservative books & products from the Independent Institute - Impeachment: Our Impeachment Page has info, votes & links on the issue
- Initiative & Referendum Institute Promoting Initiative and Referendum for all Americans
- Insight Magazine Conservative investigative magazine
- Jews For The Preservation of Firearms Ownership Great educational info
- Judicial Watch Uncovering government corruption, supporting judicial reform
- "Land Mine" Legislation By Claire Wolfe Tyrannical laws which the GOP Congress passed
- Leadership Institute Training conservatives for leadership
- Liberty Fund Publishers of many books on freedom
- Life Site News Pro Life news, action & commentary.
- Made in U.S.A. American manufacturer Jack Davis' organization promoting American jobs.
- March for Life Supporting a Human Life Amendment and organizers of the March for Life held in Washington D.C. every January.
- Michelle Malkin Conservative Columnist
- Minuteman Civil Defense Corps Protecting the border with volunteer patrols and fence-building, founded by Chris Simcox.
- Minuteman Project Educational and action organization to protect the border, founded by Jim Gilchrist
- National Center for Public Policy Research A resource on many key issues
- National Legal and Policy Center Exposing corruption with 9/11/01 fund usage, Jesse Jackson, Legal Services Corp., etc.
- National Retail Sales Tax Alliance Abolish the income tax forever, replacing it with a sales tax
- National Right to Work Committee Protecting workers against union coercion
- National Security Center A lot of info on Red Chinese influence at the Panama Canal
Panama's "Law Number 5" NSC provides full text of law which gives Huchinson Whampoa extraordinary powers at the Panama Canal - Michael New's Official Site A brave U.S. soldier challenges illegal U.N. command
- NAU WarRoom Our new North American Union / SPP / NAFTA Superhighway website
- Oliver North's Radio Show
- Panama Canal: Our Panama Canal Page has lots of info & links on the Canal and the Chinese threat
- Congressman Ron Paul "Project Freedom"
- Persecution Project Fighting the persecution of Christians in Sudan and other countries
- Presidential Decision Directive 25 (PDD 25) Public summary at Michael New's site
- Public Service Research Foundation Studying the impact of government unions
- Radio America The nation's 24-hour conservative radio network
- Michael Reagan Ronald Reagan's son's site
- Religious Freedom Coalition Promoting religious freedom & family values. Chairman, William Murray
- Republican National Coalition for Life Fighting pro-abortion policies of GOP
- The Right Side of the Web Well known conservative web site
- Ron Paul Forum Activist Forum
- Ron Paul Forums Activist Forums
- Rush Limbaugh - the official site
- The Rutherford Institute Defending religious freedom
- Save American Jobs Jack Davis' excellent organization opposing job-destroying trade treaties
- Send Them A Message Action site for The Conservative Caucus' Repeal ObamaCare Bill Project
- Sound of Hope Radio Bringing the news of freedom to Communist China
- The Separation of School & State Alliance Supporting family responsibility, not govt. control
- 60 Plus Fighting to repeal the "Death Tax" (inheritance tax) for all Americans.
- 60 Second Activist Get a daily e-mail about a conservative issue which you can e-mail to your Congressman
- Joe Sobran's Newsletter & Newspaper columns "The Real News of the Month"
- Tea Party Express Tea Party Activist Organization
- Tea Party Patriots Tea Party Activist Group
- Toward Tradition Orthodox Jewish-Christian alliance defending traditional morality led by Rabbi Daniel Lapin.
- Tradition, Family, Property Defending American values
- Town Hall Heritage Foundation's conservative portal. Links to many conservative sites!
- Tyranny Response Team Say NO to assaults on the 2nd Amendment (Archived site)
- Union Free America How to deal directly with your employer without a union
- U.S. Term Limits Fighting to limit the terms of career politicians
- The Wanderer Excellent Conservative Catholic Weekly Newspaper!
- The War Party News and commentary on promotion of war by Washington establishment
- Vision Forum Ministries Doug Phillips' organization "dedicated to the restoration of Christian family culture"
- Young Americans for Freedom Conservative Campus Activist group since 1960
YAF Campus Group Links - Young America's Foundation The Voice of Freedom on Campus - featuring great conservative speakers
- Young Conservatives of Pennsylvania They have run billboard & radio ads against legislature pay hikes!
Thursday, February 10, 2011
Conservative and Patriotic Organizations
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