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Thursday, January 20, 2011

Republicans repeal healthcare reforms

'Repealing the job-killing healthcare law act' passes with clear majority in vote going almost entirely along party lines. - Spy on America.

John Boehner
John Boehner, the new speaker of the house, has said the healthcare law will 'increase spending, increase taxes and destroy jobs in America'. Photograph: Mike Theiler/EPA 
The new Republican-controlled House of Representatives has voted to repeal the health reform law it passed last year in a largely symbolic but politically loaded repudiation of Barack Obama's flagship policy.

The legislation, entitled the "Repealing the job-killing healthcare law act", passed with a clear majority of 245 to 189 as the vote went almost entirely along party lines, in contrast to the healthcare legislation last year which passed with a wafer thin majority as many conservative Democrats rejected it.

But it is unlikely to go much further because the leaders of the Senate, which is still under Democratic party control, have said they will not take up the repeal legislation. Even if they did, the Republicans are unlikely to find the support they need in the Senate to overturn reforms that extend coverage to more than 30 million uninsured Americans and prevent insurance companies from cutting off treatment, among other measures.

However, Republicans in the house intend to keep the battle over healthcare alive by finding ways to throw obstacles in the way of implementation, such as using spending bills to deny funding for the reforms. The Republican leadership has been accused of making a priority of an ideologically driven and largely futile attempt to repeal the healthcare law when the economy is a more urgent matter – the same accusation levelled against Obama by his opponents.

But Republicans say that overturning healthcare legislation is intended to remove a financial burden on business and to cut the budget deficit. The new speaker of the house, John Boehner, said that the healthcare law will "increase spending, increase taxes and destroy jobs in America".

A study by the congressional budget office differs. It says that scrapping the healthcare reforms will cost $230bn over the next decade.

The Republicans also pushed the repeal because dozens of new members of Congress made overturning healthcare legislation a leading commitment of their campaigns.

"Our vote to repeal is not merely symbolic," said one new Republican member, Nan Hayworth, an ophthalmologist. "It respects the will of the American people and it paves the way to reform our healthcare."
Some Republicans argued in this week's debate in the House that the law is unconstitutional because the federal government is overstepping its powers in requiring Americans to buy health insurance.

Democrats argue that the legislation helps millions of Americans, including those with pre-existing conditions or caps on health care coverage who were effectively left without treatment and some of whom died.

One Democrat member, Steve Cohen, likened Republican accusations that the reforms are socialist to the fictions of the Nazi propaganda minister, Joseph Goebbels.

"They say it's a government takeover of health care, a big lie just like Goebbels," he said. "You say it enough, you repeat the lie, you repeat the lie, and eventually, people believe it."
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