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Sunday, January 16, 2011

Pinko Slaver Democrats Shrivel As Russians Compare Them To Communist

The Truth will Set You Free. - Spy on America.

There is just no way to describe this without a smirk and a chuckle. When you read how some of New York’s Russian immigrants (who know Soviet-style Communism all-too-well) are aligning with Republicans—because they view Democrats’ policies to be too similar to the failed policies of their homeland—there is just something richly ironic there. However, when you read how their never-met-a-Marxist-she-didn’t-love Democrat legislator reacts to be having her party compared to Soviet Russia, now that is just over-the-top funny:
Businessman Arkadiy Fridman said that the newly formed Citizens Magazine Business Club, a confederation of more than 50 Russian-owned businesses here and in Brooklyn, has aligned itself with the Molinari Republican Club (MRC) in an effort to increase the Russian community’s political and economic clout.
“We decided we had to support this club,” said Fridman, a former Soviet Army officer who came to the United States in 1992. “They are very close to our political and business vision.”
Fridman said that the Democrats “are going in an absolutely different direction,” focusing on “income redistribution” and rich-versus-poor “class war.”
“It’s too socialistic,” said Fridman, head of the non-profit Staten Island Community Center and president of Citizens Magazine, a public affairs publication. “It’s very painful for us to see.”
And, if that weren’t bad enough, the Democrats’ are reminding the Russian immigrants of something they thought they left behind:
The Big Brother approach reminds Fridman too much of what he left behind in the former Soviet Union.
“It’s the same rule like it was there,” said Fridman, who estimates there are around 55,000 Russian immigrants here.

Michael Petrov of the Digital Edge data management firm in Bloomfield, said that he objects to the “micro-managing of the economy” he’s seen from city as well as federal officials.

“Government is affecting small business more and more,” said Petrov, who came to the United States in 1994. “It’s the same as what’s happening in Russia.”
The Russian immigrants seem to know the path the Democratic Party is leading the nation down far better than many Democrats, which is why it seems the GOP is a better fit for the Russians.

Of course, the danger of being exposed is not lost on their Marxist legislator, union-boss-turned-Democrat-politician, State Sen. Diane Savino (D-North Shore/Brooklyn), who just seems to cringe at the thought of being exposed and being labeled either a Socialist or a Communist:
State Sen. Diane Savino (D-North Shore/Brooklyn) said she understands the Russian aversion to anything that looks like big government, but thinks the criticism of the Democratic Party is off-base.
“You can’t ignore the fact that the Russian population here came of age during the Soviet era,” said Ms. Savino, who counts many Russians among her Brooklyn constituents.
“They have different thoughts on what communism and socialism mean. They are a little more sensitive to it.
“But, that being said,” she added, “you can’t compare the policies of the Democratic Party with communism. It’s absurd.”
Ummm. Does Yes We Can! fit here?

[Emphasis added throughout.]
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