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Monday, January 17, 2011

Governor Chris Christie’s ties to terrorist-connected Islamists

Muslim Mayor K KHAIRULLAH of Prospect Park, NJ was sworn into office by Muslim Superior Court judge Hani MAWLA. He is sworn in on a QURAN, the same book that tells Muslim to convert or kill all non-believers in Islam. - Spy on America.
editors note: Yeah, I know. I like Christie too. But, he has a much criticized history of corrupt legal arrangements to his name which make him a target for questionable political arrangements regarding court nominees and the such - like this article is about. He is an easy mark for 'certain' people and political groups with possibly hidden anti-american agendas.

Even though he likes to take out Democrats he can, as per above, be duped or used for political ideals foreign to the politics of America.

I wouldn't be too worry about it. He's a good, solid, reputable Republican. Just a little vulnerable to the global gangsters out to get us because, he likes to 'fix' things politically on the inside. But, I'm sure the FBI etc are on top of that extreme.  

Apparently, Christie’s nomination of a Muslim lawyer who defended countless terrorist suspects to Superior Court Justice is just the tip of the iceberg regarding his associations with Muslims in America affiliated with Islamic terror organizations.

Photo above of Barack Obama bowing to Christie. Gee, I wonder why?

New Jersey, the Garden State, has just taken its first step toward becoming the Sharia State, with Governor Christie’s nomination of Sohail Mohammed, an attorney to detained terrorist suspects, to a Superior Court judgeship in Passaic County. The Sohail nomination continues Christie’s unfortunate pandering to the American Muslim Union and the Islamic Center of Passaic County.
Passaic County has the second largest Muslim population in the country. And the Islamic Center of Passaic County is the state’s largest mosque, and it’s the only one run by an an Imam who was a member of the Hamas terrorist organization. But when the United States government attempted to deport Mohammed Qatanani, New Jersey’s pols and wannabe pols like Christie, quickly came to his aid. 

Despite the fact that Mohammed Qatanani was a member of the Muslim Brotherhood, the organization that is behind both Al Qaeda and Hamas, despite his own guilty plea to being a member of Hamas, and despite the fact that even in the United States, he had defended a charity that provided funds to children of suicide bombers (this is done as an incentive to reassure terrorists that if they die their families will be taken care of), Qatanani was not deported.
This is less a sign of his innocence, then of the power and influence wielded by Qatanani and the American Muslim Union. There was hardly a top New Jersey public official who did not come out for Qatanani. And that included both of the major candidates in the governor’s race, Governor Jon Corzine and Chris Christie. Christie called Qatanani, “a man of great goodwill” and “a constructive force” and allowed Charles McKenna, one of his associate attorneys to testify on behalf of Qatanani. Afterward Christie tapped McKenna to head New Jersey’s Department of Homeland Security. McKenna had spent a good deal of time on Muslim “outreach” and made numerous statements echoing their talking points.

Mohammad Qatanani, left , the imam of the Islamic Center of Passaic County is kissed on the forehead by a member of his mosque after it was learned the imam can stay in the United States, despite lying on his application to become a permanent U.S. resident when he failed to disclose an alleged 1993 conviction in an Israeli court for assisting Hamas militants.

The pioneering terrorism researcher, Steve Emerson called it, “a disgrace and an act of pure political corruption”. He stated, “I know for certain that Christie and the FBI SAC had access to information about Qatanani’s background, involvement with and support of Hamas.” Defending Qatanani required Christie to pit himself against the Department of Homeland Security, which wanted him deported. But the Department of Homeland Security wasn’t running for office in New Jersey. Christie was. 

Mohammad Qatanani left, imam of the Islamic Center of Passaic County, talks to reporters this afternoon as his wife, Sumiah, spreads the word over her cell phone outside the Peter Rodino Building, where they were granted legal residency by a federal judge and will not be deported.

The first Imam of the Islamic Center of Passaic County, Mohammad El-Mezain, was convicted of funneling money to Hamas. El-Mezain had actually boasted of raising almost 2 million dollars for Hamas. And his replacement, Qatanani, actually was a member of Hamas. An ordinary politician might have been forgiven for not knowing this, but Christie was the US Attorney for New Jersey. It’s absolutely impossible that he would not have known the background of the Islamic Center of Passaic County. Yet Christie attended a Ramadan dinner, in the same place where terrorists had fundraised, and kissed Qatanani on the cheek. 

Ramadan dinner attended by Chris Christie

Now Christie has nominated Sohail Mohammed, Qatanan’s former lawyer, to a Superior Court judgeship. Sohail Mohammed is a board member of the American Muslim Union, an organization that has interlocking leadership with groups that have fundraised for Hamas and hosted a Hamas speaker. The American Muslim Union is closely interlinked with Qatanani’s Islamic Center of Passaic County.

Read the rest here
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