Great move. Way to cash out and cash in on a great blog idea. - Spy on America.Sure the million dollar investment in the Huffpo helped launch one of the lefts deadliest weapons but I cannot help but cheer on another blogger who saw an opportunity to cater to a niche market and succeed so well. I'm sure the Huffington Post will be a role model for the rest of us for years to come regardless of what target market we cater to. The right blog at the right time for the right audience, even though I am a right winger and can't stand the Huffingtonpost I gleefully cheer Arianna on and wish her the best of successes in her new role at AOL.
AOL on the other hand I have always been a fan of and major supporter of their rss marketing model. If you don't know what that means it means giving other bloggers full access to their content to cross publish vis rss (really simple syndication) on any other blog. It's brilliant and the Huffington Post has always offered this to their readers and other bloggers. Anyone who know the backbone of the internet is the HTML Document or in other words one page of content linked to another page of content and so on realizes the immediate benefit of giving full feed rss access to the public for free. Not only will it rocket your articles to the top of search engines without any further labor on the content providers part it also multiplies the monetized value of all the links in their portfolio of content exponentially.
Truly unique is this approach to the content provider model of business on the net that the more a content provider offers to other companies and bloggers and blog readers and content aggregates the more they stand earn from the monetization of their content links. This is what first brought me to the Huffpo, as it is colloquially known to web nerds like me, the access to free content.
As quickly I realized both the profit potential of this model as well as the ability to use said information as a tool of indoctrination and propaganda. But, to be fair there are many, many right wing media organizations who also use the same tactic and offer the same full and free access to their very, very opinionated web content.
But, it was the beauty and the elegance of the left wing Huffington Post that made me like it and it's owner Arianna Huffington so much. It's three column design and it's multicolored labels and it's never ending pages of more and more links to more and more content as well as it's bold and huge headlines that shamelessly linked to other peoples websites for the article inspired in me the desire and the urge to also learn this craft. That was three or four years ago and dozens perhaps even hundreds of self taught and self built blogs and websites later all modeled on the Huffington Post I am now quite the competent amateur webmaster.
And, quite frankly I have all that to thank Arianna Huffington with her immodestly titled and audacious website/blog titled The Huffington Post to thank for the great experience I now have to call my own.
So, from all my blogs and websites modeled after your left wing propaganda blog which I literally can't stand I honor you Miss Huffington. And, I cheer you on at AOL. May this be the beginning of a great duet in cyberspace. Congratulations, you are an inspiration to me and I'm sure many, many others.
You can read the Huffington Post here.
And, you can check out AOL here.
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