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Sunday, February 6, 2011

The 10 Most Disastrous Books Ever Written

This is a good list. - Spy on America.
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by Jamie Frater

Ten books that led to wide scale death, destruction and evil governmental regimes – books that would have been better unwritten.

10. Malleus Maleficarum
9. Coming of Age in Samoa
8. The Prince
7. Mein Kampf
6. The Pivot of Civilization
5. Democracy and Education
4. Baby and Childcare
3. The Protocols of the Elders of Zion
2. The Manifesto of the Communist Party
1. Darwin’s Black Box

Excerpt from the original: “Books are one of our greatest resources. But many times in history books have been written which are misleading or untrue. In some cases this has led to wide scale death and destruction and evil governmental regimes.

This is a list of ten of the worst books of this type – books that have done more harm than good. The common thread in all of these books is deception – invariably not intentional, but the consequences are the same regardless.”

Conservative Political News Blog Source Site and Talk Radio

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