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Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Salon Column says America is evil, America made Jared Loughner murder.

Blame America First: Salon Column Says “American Experience” Created Loughner, Unabomber & McVeigh. - Spy on America.
The Arizona violence has been blamed on everyone except the criminal who committed the vicious act. So it comes as no surprise when a leftist academic jumps in to name America’s colonial history and wars as the reason madmen brutalize society.  According to  Civil War professor Glenn W. LaFantasie of Western Kentucky University, America’s violent historical legacy made a madman commit brutal acts: criminals don’t commit their sadistic acts, it is America that forced men like Jared Loughner into acts of so-called “political violence.”

According to LaFantasie’s Salon column this week:
[Americans] tend to interpret the events and their perpetrators as aberrations.  Our first reaction is shock and disbelief.  But our understanding of the situation soon takes the form of something else, as if acts of personal and political violence are like the devastation of a Katrina or an oil spill…
Loughner’s horrid actions cannot be described as “political,” they are what they are: actions by a deranged madman.  Loughner’s reasons behind his evil actions are not yet known.  What is absolute fact is Americans did not stand next to Loughner, forcing his hand to hold and point the gun, nor did anyone physically compel Loughner to pull the trigger.  He did everything on his own.

Loughner’s aggression is shocking.  If it were not, Professor LaFantasie might have an argument, but, as it is, Americans are in fact devastated and horrified; Americans in both parties are praying for the recovery of Congresswoman Giffords and the families of those tragically lost.  To insinuate Americans view brutality as nothing more than a hurricane or oil spill is a shocking interpretation to say the least.

Not according to LaFantasie, who compares Loughner’s crime to the use of torture by the American government:
Public officials who condone the use of torture in recent times should, by rights, give pause when they try to condemn the actions of Jared L. Loughner, Timothy McVeigh or the Unabomber.  But, typically, our public servants see no contradiction, no hypocrisy, in advocating extreme political violence against our alleged enemies around the globe while condemning political violence when it is aimed against the government—or, more precisely, against them.  In other words, political violence is legitimate when the government commits it; but it is appalling when individuals commit it against the government or its representatives.  Political violence committed by individuals is explained by marginalizing those perpetrators as crackpots. Political violence committed by the government is justified as guaranteeing national security.
And there we have it, America is evil, America made Jared Loughner murder, not his twisted mind obsessed with violence.

LaFantasie excuses Loughner, as well as other terrorists, justifying their brutality rather than placing blame on individuals.  Further, Loughner’s actions cannot be classified as “political” when there is no evidence supporting such theories.  If such facts do emerge, that does not in any way make America or Americans responsible for individual actions.  We are all accountable for personal deeds. We cannot use the “devil-made-me-do-it” excuse to get away with murder.  Yet the history professor, who knows better, justifies Loughner’s actions, as well as Timothy McVeigh’s, holding America and people responsible for every war and assassination committed by individuals.

LaFantasie alleges Americans are born of violence and war and it’s in our “disenchanted frontiersmen” nature, caused by the American Revolution, a political struggle that “broke out in the backcountry of the Carolinas” against “equitable representation in their colonial legislatures” by “roaming bands of thieves and cutthroats.”  Thus, the American Revolution created criminals of us all, we are all responsible for carnage and cruelty committed in America, and we are responsible for every vile act committed by thugs, and worse, we condone mass murders around the globe against innocent terrorists.

LaFantasie further claims that while Americans:
condemn such violence—particularly political violence like what has just taken place in Arizona –with lamentations and scowls, we persist in condoning it…our toleration of political violence, despite all our sincere words of grief and castigation…America has a long history of political violence—a dark river of brutality, even savagery, that runs through our entire national experience, [we act shocked over, but ignore immediately], dismissing the event as an exception, waiting for the next act of lunacy to occur, at which time we will express our shock and dismay all over again.
In other words, we don’t care about carnage; it does not affect us beyond the moment, which excites us with blood lust.  But we are quick to forget, in hopes for more bloodshed, to feed our innate warrior selves.  We are no different than Romans hurling Christians to the lions.

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