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Sunday, January 2, 2011

"Christians, Police Clash After Egypt Church Bomb By Suicide Bomber Targeting Christians" and related posts

The persecution of Christians in Muslim lands continues:
From the AP via The Detroit News: Christians, police clash after Egypt church bomb
Christians today clashed with Egyptian police in the northern city of Alexandria, furious over an apparent suicide bombing against worshippers leaving a New Year's Mass at a church that killed at least 21 people. It was the worst violence against the country's Christian minority in a decade.

The Interior Ministry blamed "foreign elements," and the Alexandria governor accused al-Qaida, pointing to the terror network's branch in Iraq, which has carried out a string of attacks on Christians there and has threatened Egypt's Coptic Orthodox Christian community as well.

Egypt's government has long insisted that the terror network does not have a significant presence in the country, and it has never been conclusively linked to any attacks here. If al-Qaida was involved, it raises the prospect of a serious new security threat within Egypt.

The bombing, about a half hour after the stroke of the new year, stoked tensions that have grown in recent years between Egypt's Christians and the Muslim majority.

It wasn't an apparent suicide bomber. From CNN via memeorandum:�Interior ministry: Suicide bomber behind Egypt church blast
Exit question: didn't Obama send NASA on an exploratory mission to the Muslim world? Shouldn't they have made contact with the inhabitants and reported back by now?


From the White House:
The attack on a church in Alexandria, Egypt caused 21 reported deaths and dozens of injured from both the Christian and Muslim communities.
Not true.
All 21 of the victims in the attack were Christian. No Muslims died in the attack.
Obama's NASA probe must be malfunctioning over there.

UPDATE #2: Obama Releases Statement Following Deadly 1-1-11 Terror Attacks: Won"t Blame Islamic Radicals & Says Muslims Were Victims

UPDATE #3: In related news: Anti-Christian Violence Continues. The Religion of Peace, hard at work.�

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