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Sunday, January 2, 2011

Obama won’t blame Muslims for Coptic attack in Egypt

I think President Obama knows darned well whom we’re fighting. But he refuses to acknowledge it because it doesn’t fit his agenda. Spy on America.
A car bomb attack outside a Coptic Church in Alexandria, Egypt on Saturday killed 21 people. Muslim terrorists were responsible for the attack. Midwest Jim has lots more details here.But I want to focus on President Obama’s statement condemning the attack, which Jim has in full:
The President would not blame SIslamic radicals in his statement and said Muslims were also victims.Here is the White House statement condemning the attacks.
I strongly condemn the separate and outrageous terrorist bombing attacks in Egypt and Nigeria. The attack on a church in Alexandria, Egypt caused 21 reported deaths and dozens of injured from both the Christian and Muslim communities. The perpetrators of this attack were clearly targeting Christian worshipers, and have no respect for human life and dignity. They must be brought to justice for this barbaric and heinous act. We are continuing to gather information regarding this terrible event, and are prepared to offer any necessary assistance to the Government of Egypt in responding to it.The attack near an army barracks in Abuja also reportedly killed more than 20 people and wounded many more. Killing innocent civilians who were simply gathering like so many people around the world to celebrate the beginning of a New Year further demonstrates the bankrupt vision of those who carry out these attacks, and we are similarly prepared to offer assistance to the Government of Nigeria as it works to bring the perpetrators to justice.
The United States extends its deepest condolences to the families of those killed and to the wounded in both of these attacks, and we stand with the Nigerian and Egyptian people at this difficult time.
You can”t win a war when you don”t know who you”re fighting.
I think President Obama knows darned well whom we’re fighting. But he refuses to acknowledge it because it doesn’t fit his agenda.What could go wrong?
More on this attack from Robin Shepherd here.
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