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Saturday, January 22, 2011

"Demo Hawaii Gov. Neil Abercrombie will not be releasing Barack Obama's birth certificate" and related posts

The birth certificate Barack Obama submitted to fact check is on the left. An actual Hawaiian long form birth certificate from the same year Obama was born is posted on the right. The long form has the hospital and attending doctor's name.

Democratic Hawaii Gov. Neil Abercrombie vowed he would prove Barack Obama was born in Hawaii and end the "birther" controversy once and for all. Gov. Abercrombie seems to have made an effort to fulfill that pledge, but was having trouble coming up with a long form birth certificate. How difficult can that be? Reportedly, he only found index records indicating Obama was born in Hawaii, not an actual birth certificate document. Suddenly, Gov. Abercrombie has given up his quest and is claiming he can't release Obama's records without permission. Since he is a family friend, getting permission should be a piece of cake, but for some unknown reason Barack Obama doesn't want any additional information about his birth made public. The controversy continues.

(The Star Advertiser)- Democratic Gov. Neil Abercrombie will end his quest to prove President Barack Obama was born in Hawaii because it's against state law to release private documents, his office said today.

State Attorney General David Louie told the governor he can't disclose an individual's birth documentation without a person's consent, Abercrombie spokeswoman Donalyn Dela Cruz said.

There was controversy over John McCain's natural born citizenship status in 2008. McCain was born in the Panama Canal territory. Senator McCain's long form birth certificate has been released.

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