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Sunday, January 2, 2011

"This Exists: Over 1,000 Dead Birds Fall On Small Arkansas Town On New Years Eve" and related posts


Over 1,000 lifeless bird tragically fell from the sky in Beebe, Arkansas on New Year"s Eve. In an interview with AP, an expert with the state"s Livestock and Poultry Commission suggested Sthe flock could have been hit by lightning or high-altitude hail. The Commission offered another sad possibility, that New Year"s Eve fireworks could have gone off near the birds and startled them so severely, that they died from stress.

The Hitchcock-like scene left many in the local town bewildered and saddened that the ball was not the only thing to drop from the sky on New Year"s Eve.


(CNN) Arkansas game officials hope testing scheduled to begin Monday will solve the mystery of why up to 5,000 blackbirds fell from the sky just before midnight New Year"s Eve.

The birds most of which were dead were found within a one-mile area of Beebe, about 40 miles northeast of Little Rock, the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission said. The blackbirds fell over about a one-mile area, the commission said in a statement.

As of Saturday, between 4,000 and 5,000 blackbirds had been found dead, said Keith Stephens with the commission.

Watch the unfortunate result in the clip from local affiliate KATV below:

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  • The Commission offered another sad possibility, that New Year"s Eve fireworks could have went off near the birds and startled them so severely, that they died from stress.

    That"s modern liberal thinking right there!

    lol,, what a BS explanation!

  • I could not bring myself to watch the video. No matter how these poor birds died it is horribly sad news! I just hope they didn"t suffer.

  • Scould have went off?

  • Atticus Draco said:

    The Commission offered another sad possibility, that New Year"s Eve fireworks could have went off near the birds and startled them so severely, that they died from stress.

    That"s modern liberal thinking right there!

    lol,, what a BS explanation!

    The Commission and not a liberal gave this as a possible reason, so how could this be Smodern liberal thinking? I would suggest given the shape of the remains this explanation was merely a Sshot in the dark as are most Sif could have been statements. You right wing bigots seem to find a reason to blame liberals for everything. Have a nice 2011 engulfed in your various delusions.

  • murphy0071 said:
    The Commission and not a liberal gave this as a possible reason, so how could this be Smodern liberal thinking? I would suggest given the shape of the remains this explanation was merely a Sshot in the dark as are most Sif could have been statements. You right wing bigots seem to find a reason to blame liberals for everything. Have a nice 2011 engulfed in your various delusions.

    lol,, you sound very modern liberal to me
    good luck with that!

  • Blame Bush!

  • Sfireworks could have went off near the birds and startled them

    Mediaite, your writers need to pass some basic grammar test before they start blogging.

  • libra blue said:
    I could not bring myself to watch the video. No matter how these poor birds died it is horribly sad news! I just hope they didn"t suffer.

    You are kidding us.Right?

  • I know it"s early, but this statement could well be the stupidest of the year so far:

    SNew Year"s Eve fireworks could have went off near the birds and startled them so severely, that they died from stress.

    Yeah, I hate it when that happens. Every year, year in, year out on the Fourth of July and New Year"s Eve thousands and thousands of birds fall out of the sky, plummeting to their deaths because of fireworks displays across the country.

    Sweet smokin" Moses where do they get the imbeciles, er, experts who make idiotic statements like this?

  • Harry Flashman said:
    Sweet smokin" Moses where do they get the imbeciles, er, experts who make idiotic statements like this?

    Where do they get them? American Universities of course.

  • SThe Commission offered another sad possibility, that New Year"s Eve fireworks could have went off near the birds and startled them so severely, that they died from stress.

    Berserk, I was going to say the same thing!! Matt Schneider must be some sort of unpaid intern trying to get through high school.

  • SPLAT!!!

  • berserk said:
    Sfireworks could have went off near the birds and startled them

    Mediaite, your writers need to pass some basic grammar test before they start blogging.

    SOver 1,000 lifeless bird tragically fell from the sky in Beebe, Arkansas on New Year"s Eve.

    Bird >singular
    Birds > plural

  • Take a deep breath and look both ways

    The Commission offered another sad possibility, that New Year"s Eve fireworks could have went off near the birds and startled them so severely, that they died from stress.

    It does happen.

  • I live in Florida and we see yer birds.

  • Didn"t this happen in Austin a year or two ago? They never did figure it out, i believe.

  • It is possible

  • I am going to try to not argue as hard as i normally do.

  • Have them blamed Rick Sanchez yet?

  • It"s a tricky world but if you can"t link on to anything then you shouldn"t do it.

  • IF those birds died from that kind of stress, That would have been ONE HELL OF A PARTY!!!

  • Could it have been some variation of H5N1?

  • My guess is good as theirs, I say an updraft carried them so high they asphyxiated.

  • Since most birds fly south; maybe the birds swooped in fast.

    Early this week, it was very coldnow it isn"t.

    They shake off their feathers and move on.

  • Or, some dude in Arkansas set off a low level EMP that just got the birds; that actually wouldn"t surprise me.

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