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Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Wisconsin Democrat Fleebaggers violate Senate Rule 23

Yes, Rule 23:

Senate Rule 23
���Senate Rule 23. Committee not to be absent. Members of a committee, except a conference committee, may not be absent by reason of their appointment during the sitting of the senate, without special leave.
[am. 2001 S.Res. 2] emphasis mine

I�m a literal type of gal, and �may not� means you absolutely, positively cannot be absent�without taking special leave (maybe they could get a doctor�s note).� Here are the past and future committee schedules for February and March 2011.

Will tone-deaf, taxpayer-betraying Democrats Tim Carpenter, Spencer Coggs, Tomothy Cullen, Jon Erpenbach, Dave Hansen, Jim Holperin, Robert Jauch, Chris Larson, Julie Lassa, Mark Miller, Fred Risser, Lena Taylor, Kathleen Vinehout, and Robert Wirch�abide�by the Senate rules that they�adopted in January 2011.� Or will they continue to hold their positions in contempt and be cowards?

Will the Wisconsin Republicans hold the Democrat fleebaggers to the Wisconsin Constitution and flex their majority authority�kinda like the Democrats in the US House did with Rep. Joe Wilson?

These fleebagging Democrats not only took an oath to uphold the Wisconsin Constitution, but also the United States Constitution and could, if they really had serious moxie, enforce what is stated in both�Constitutions:

Article IV, �7 (of WI document)
���Organization of legislature; quorum; compulsory attendance. Section 7. Each house shall be the judge of the elections, returns and qualifications of its own members; and a majority of each shall constitute a quorum to do business, but a smaller number may adjourn from day to day, and may compel the attendance of absent members in such manner and under such penalties as each house may provide. (emphasis mine)

It would be a great day for Wisconsin taxpayers if that �may compel� became a �did compel,� because as I have stated before �working families� is code for �union familiesԠand what have the Democrats done for�private-sector families, except regulate and tax their businesses it into oblivion.

Yes, indeed, elections have consequences.� And the GOP is only getting started; it�s only�been two months.

Crossposted at HotAir’s Green Room

Read More... [Source: Recommended Diaries]

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