- AbleChild: Parents for Label and Drug Free Education Fighting drugging and labeling of children
- Abolish Carpool Lanes! (HOV/Diamond) From Lee Rodgers' Talk Show
- ACLU Financial Privacy Site Good info on "Know Your Customer, etc.
- American Chesterton Society Promoting the wit and wisdom of the 20th Century English philosopher
- American Legislative Exchange Council Proposed bills to cut U.S. & state govt.
- Anti-Federalist Papers Historical documents warning against the threat of a powerful central government
- National Archives Historical documents, etc.
- Association of American Physicians and Surgeons Excellent info on threats to freedom in health care
- Berlin Wall History Links
- Ballot Access News Newsletter reporting on 3rd party/independent ballot access
- Bilderberg 2004 Attendee List (partial listing) 2005 Full List
- Biographical Sketches of the Left "Subversive groups and their people"
- Black Box Voting Exposing the ease of tampering of electronic voting machines- with famous "chimp" video
- Brain Washing: Shocking Soviet textbook on "Psychopolitics"-- psychological warfare
- Campaigns & Elections Magazine Lots of good political info
- Campaign Secrets On-line political campaign tools
- Census Bureau Various statistics, including population and economy
- China MFN Information Archived site
- Christian Classics Library Many Christian writings
- Chronology of U.S. Historical Documents
- Citizens Against Government Waste Read the facts about government waste
- CNN transcripts of all shows Available for past 10 days
- Code of Federal Regulations Searchable database of regulations
- Early Congressional Documents 1789+ at Library of Congress
- Congressional Glossary from C-SPAN Understand the terms used in Congress
- Congressional Pay Hike History
- Congressional Quarterly News and information about Congress
- Conservative Job Seekers Guide A service of the Heritage Foundation
- Constitution Society Many historical documents from early American history
- Council on Foreign Relations - 2010 Membership list * 2005 Membership List *1997 Membership list * 91-92 CFR/TC/BB List * Clinton CFR Members * 92 list
- C-SPAN Schedule of C-SPAN television broadcasts
- Defend Your Privacy Excellent info on FDIC's "Know Your Customer" & petition you can sign
- Early America Read early U.S. newspapers, maps, magazines and writings
- Election Results US and Worldwide, updated daily
- Electoral Vote Polling data on House & Senate races
- Electronic Embassy Links to foreign embassies in Washington DC
- Electronic Voting Problems and Fraud by Rebecca Mercuri
- Embassies & Consulates in USA A list of foreign embassies
- Embassies of the USA in Foreign Countries All American embassies and consulates around the world.
- Federal Election Commission Candidate expenditure & contribution info on-line
- Federalist Papers At the Library of Congress. Searchable too!
- Federal Register Official daily regulation notices by Federal agencies
- Federal Register Watch Excellent analyses of regulations published in the Federal Register
- FedStats A quick link to statistics from many Federal agencies
- FindLaw Full text of Supreme Court opinions
- Follow The Money - National Institute on Money in State Politics
- Death of Vincent Foster: Obstruction of Justice By John H. Clarke
- Freedom of Information Act How to use it to get government documents
- "GEET" A new invention to make cars non-polluting Private enterprise does what EPA can't--or won't!
- General Accounting Office Reports and Congressional testimony by GAO
- Webster Hubbell telephone recordings Listen in Real Audio at C-SPAN
- Institute on Religion and Public Policy Working for religious freedom - excellent news pages
- Intern DC Source for housing in Washington, DC for interns
- International Coalition for Religious Freedom Excellent reports on threats to religious freedom around the world
- IRS Horror Story Report Form A service of the House Republican Conference
- Thomas Jefferson on Politics and Government 2,100+ Jefferson quotes--searchable too!
- Kids, Drugs, Guns & "Psychopolitics" How psychiatric drugs are creating killers
- Latin America: Conservative News & Links Hispanic American Center for Economic Research
- Library of Congress
- George Mason On-Line at Gunston Hall Documents and info about George Mason
- Mathematically Correct Exposing public school's corruption of teaching math
- Meet the Press (NBC) Transcript for the most recent show
- Mega Law.com Legal website with links to state and federal laws, and court decisions.
- National Motorists Association Defending rights of drivers: This group got the 55MPH repealed!
- The New American In-depth news about the New World Order & much more
- Oaths of Office for President, V.P., Senators & Congressmen, and Supreme Court Justices
- Office of Management and Budget Study the Federal budget
- Open Debates Their goal is to replace staged presidential debates with true debates
- Oregon Institute of Science and Medicine Research on "Global Warming" & more
- Presidential Speeches Inaugural addresses, State of the Union speeches & more from many Presidents
- Presidential Speeches on RealAudio
- Pro-Life Encyclopedia An amazing reference at American Life League's site
- Rate Your Rep! Compare the votes of any Senator or Congressman with how YOU would vote!
- Real Clear Politics Campaign and political news & commentary
- Religion and the Founding of the American Republic at the Library of Congress
- Religious Freedom Worldwide Reports at US State Dept. Excellent country-by-country reports. 2005 report online.
- Reporters Without Borders Supporting freedom of the press worldwide
- The "Right" Search Page Our collection of the best search engines!
- SoftWar Info on Red China missile tech transfers & more
- Speed Limits: Summary of government report proving raising speed limits is safe.
- Speed Trap Registry Learn where radar traps are located--and submit ones you know.
- Southeastern Legal Foundation Conservative legal group fights for less government
- Soviet Top-Secret Document Archive A number of translated documents at the Library of Congress
- Sun-Tzu's The Art of War Ancient Chinese strategy guide on how to win on the battlefield, or in politics
- TeenScreen Get the facts on this growing threat to our children
- Television News Archive on-line daily summaries of news shows 1968-now (Vanderbilt Univ.)
- Ten Planks of the Communist Manifesto Karl Marx specified how to destroy freedom--how many have been implemented in the U.S.? A "10 Planks Rating" of the US Government
- The New Dark Age An interesting look at the Communist origins of political correctness
- Test your knowledge of the Constitution
- Thomas at the Library of Congress. Congressional Record, full text, status, bill co-sponsors, & lots more!
- TV News & Talk Show Transcripts:
ABC News Programs
CNN News & Political Shows
Fox News Sunday
NBC Meet the Press - Trilateral Commission 2005 Membership List
- United Nations Official New World Order information
- U. S. Code All (too many!) Federal government laws
- U.S. House of Representatives Member web links, bill info & more
- U.S. House Leadership site
- U.S. Senate Member web links, bill info & more
- U.S. Supreme Court
- University of Michigan Documents Center Many useful govt. documents
- VoteNet Many political resources including e-mailed Congressional votes & free web sites
- What is the Frankfurt School? An intriguing article on Marxism's Trojan Horse in America
- 8000 letters written by George Washington 1741-1799 At the Library of Congress
- The Papers of George Washington Several are available on-line
- The White House Executive Branch information, speeches, & more. It is searchable
- The Whitewater Archives Lots of information on Clinton scandals
- The Ultimate Pro-Life Resource Kit Comprehensive right to life resources
Thursday, February 10, 2011
Valuable Conservative Research Sites
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