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Thursday, February 10, 2011

Too Useful to Check: Us Magazine Falls For Fake Palin-Aguilera Story

B-Us-ted. reports that Us Weekly just did something extraordinarily dumb (bolds, italics, and link are in original):

Whoops! Us Weekly Publishes Sarah Palin/Christina Aguilera Spoof as Fact


This is really bad.


Us Weekly has published what it claims are comments made by Sarah Palin, in which the former vice presidential candidate blasts Christina Aguilera’s performance of the national anthem at Super Bowl XLV.


Except the over-the-top “quotes,” which Us Weekly attributes to a Monday radio interview with Sean Hannity, were actually written for a satire website.


Again: Palin’s Aguilera comments are fabricated.

What follows is a Google result showing a bit of the text in the now removed piece, along with what appears to be part of an immature reader comment, followed by Gossip Cop's screen grab of the item (note the unflattering picture of Palin):



Gossip Cop's final two paragraphs on the matter:

It boggles the mind that a major outlet could read these obviously satirical, fake quotes and treat them as the real deal.
However badly Aguilera botched the anthem last Sunday, Us Weekly just did a hundred times worse.

After 2-1/2 years of "Who's Trig's real mom?" and similar garbage from people who consider themselves respectable (but aren't), this just shows that quite a few people in supposedly responsible positions are willing to believe anything thrown out there about Sarah Palin, and run with it without checking.

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