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Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Republicans Fail In Budget Wars� No Leadership, No Courage.

If that sounds harsh then perhaps the Republican leadership should look really closely at themselves and ask themselves just exactly who they�re working for, because right now, quite frankly, they�re not looking all that hot.

Sixty billion is the figure being cast about as the spending reductions for this budget. Another thirty billion was proposed but was not taken up by Republicans, for some unknown reason. I�ve really been concerned about what I perceive to be a demarcation in the party between the �old� party members and the new conservatives.

As a quick for instance� look at good old reliable John McCain� now that he�s won re-election for another six years, we the American people, and especially his constituents, can collectively go to hell as he reverts to type. He nearly got whiplash running to kiss Barack Obama�s butt. Then he has the nerve to tell us that he �thinks he can work� with Obama.

We seem to remember John working with �others�. They called it the gang of fourteen� they called it the McCain-Feingold assault on the First Amendment� they called it the Illegal Amnesty Act. Remember? I sure do. John hasn�t wasted any time either. He�s got his pet amnesty act out again and he�s dusting it off.

John�s just one guy, but he�s not alone. I�ve said this before� the times are past where Conservatives can afford to be burdened with wishy-washy moderate �Republicans� who run into accommodation mode at the very first sign of a fight.

Sixty billion? A hundred billion? That�s a joke, right? We�re upside down 1.7 trillion dollars this year alone, and we�re dabbling with a hundred billion in �proposed� cuts! We�re sick of the timidity and the outright cowardice shown by the Repubic leadership. If we get any more disappointed, that whole mess may be out of a job. So far, the only ones who have remained faithful to the mandate of the voters are the Patriot Tea Party freshmen. That says worlds about the party leadership.

It�s a little like what just occurred on the House floor. We thought we were sending tiger sharks in there to shred the unbelievably irresponsible spending of this government. Instead, we get these timid little mice nibbling away at the fringes of that megalithic monstrosity, the house that Obama built.

I�m afraid there are going to need to be more serious changes in the Republican Party if we are to succeed in saving the country. 2012 is going to be another watershed� but what will be shed will be the timid, the weak, the lame and the lazy.
We warned them.

Semper Vigilans, Semper Fidelis

� Skip MacLure 2011

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