Make-Believe Media Ignores Jared Lee Loughner Wannabe. - Spy on America.
On Friday, police arrested a radical forty-something male for attempting to murder dozens of state employees. Hardly a hot-headed gun wielding teenager, this man. Over the last year and a half, Martin Calvin Yarbrough, Jr. allegedly plotted and planned to mass murder state employees by mailing powdered chemical poison to the Department of Children and Family Services as well as Los Angeles County Children’s Courthouse. Thirteen times. The time line and nature of the crime suggest a deep seated anger for these California state agencies.
This man planned to kill more people than Jared Lee Loughner, yet there appears no curiosity within the Make-Believe Media as to why. Just a quick drive-by view of the facts should suggest to the MBM that this 40 something male is an anti-big government coward whose potential ties to the Tea Party should be closely scrutinized. A resident of Claremont, California, an upscale suburb in Los Angeles County, it is probable Mr. Yarbrough watched Fox news and listened to evil Reichwing Talk Radio broadcasting hate-filled, violence-inducing rhetoric daily in the SoCal area. Did Yarbrough support any tea party candidate? Does he know who Sarah Palin is? The guy sure sounds like an anti-government tea partying Arizona Safeway Grassy Knoller to me.
So why hasn’t the Make-Believe Media breathed new life into the dying embers of the Loughner narrative for this latest radical? Perhaps the MBM learned the Loughner lesson that fact-gathering should precede name-calling? Hardly. Perhaps instead, the facts in this case don’t fit the MBM narrative and, therefore, do not merit attention from MSNBC’s Knucklehead Knews.
From Big Government: “Yarbrough’s father is Claremont resident Martin Calvin Yarbrough Sr., a poll watcher and fan of the Rev. [sic] Jeremiah Wright….(who) likely took his son with him to church,” a church visited by Wright and whose own pastor purportedly embraces and emulates Wright’s brand of vitriolic preaching.
Obviously, Yarbrough’s pedigree doesn’t fit the left wing media’s story-boarded narrative against 40-something white tea party conservatives. Yarbrough’s dad is an African-American Obama contributor, one who may have enjoyed Wright’s brand of social justice vitriol, a Democrat party supporter and grassroots poll watcher for over forty years. And Yarbrough Jr. attacked a particular arm of the state government that controls child custody matters. Father’s rights and the emotional horrors of custody court battles supply motive enough. So the MBM ignores the attempted mass murder plot and hopes the story stays buried in the local news section of the L.A. Times. And if the story does squeeze its way into the public eye, what do you bet the MBM will likely spin the story away as an tragic, wrongheaded-but-pitiable reaction of a bereft father and victim of an uncaring court system that unfairly ignored the unique contribution of black fatherhood.
One should avoid making the tempting causal link between the father’s religion and politics and the son’s radicalism. But you can bet the Pigford farms that had Yarbrough been the son of a white tea party patriot who organized rallies against abortion and taxes, the MBM would freely have made that link and we would already be two days thick into the news regurgitation spin cycle over this sinister attempt to poison government officials.
This man planned to kill more people than Jared Lee Loughner, yet there appears no curiosity within the Make-Believe Media as to why. Just a quick drive-by view of the facts should suggest to the MBM that this 40 something male is an anti-big government coward whose potential ties to the Tea Party should be closely scrutinized. A resident of Claremont, California, an upscale suburb in Los Angeles County, it is probable Mr. Yarbrough watched Fox news and listened to evil Reichwing Talk Radio broadcasting hate-filled, violence-inducing rhetoric daily in the SoCal area. Did Yarbrough support any tea party candidate? Does he know who Sarah Palin is? The guy sure sounds like an anti-government tea partying Arizona Safeway Grassy Knoller to me.
So why hasn’t the Make-Believe Media breathed new life into the dying embers of the Loughner narrative for this latest radical? Perhaps the MBM learned the Loughner lesson that fact-gathering should precede name-calling? Hardly. Perhaps instead, the facts in this case don’t fit the MBM narrative and, therefore, do not merit attention from MSNBC’s Knucklehead Knews.
From Big Government: “Yarbrough’s father is Claremont resident Martin Calvin Yarbrough Sr., a poll watcher and fan of the Rev. [sic] Jeremiah Wright….(who) likely took his son with him to church,” a church visited by Wright and whose own pastor purportedly embraces and emulates Wright’s brand of vitriolic preaching.
Obviously, Yarbrough’s pedigree doesn’t fit the left wing media’s story-boarded narrative against 40-something white tea party conservatives. Yarbrough’s dad is an African-American Obama contributor, one who may have enjoyed Wright’s brand of social justice vitriol, a Democrat party supporter and grassroots poll watcher for over forty years. And Yarbrough Jr. attacked a particular arm of the state government that controls child custody matters. Father’s rights and the emotional horrors of custody court battles supply motive enough. So the MBM ignores the attempted mass murder plot and hopes the story stays buried in the local news section of the L.A. Times. And if the story does squeeze its way into the public eye, what do you bet the MBM will likely spin the story away as an tragic, wrongheaded-but-pitiable reaction of a bereft father and victim of an uncaring court system that unfairly ignored the unique contribution of black fatherhood.
One should avoid making the tempting causal link between the father’s religion and politics and the son’s radicalism. But you can bet the Pigford farms that had Yarbrough been the son of a white tea party patriot who organized rallies against abortion and taxes, the MBM would freely have made that link and we would already be two days thick into the news regurgitation spin cycle over this sinister attempt to poison government officials.
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