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Monday, February 14, 2011

Joshua Goldberg: Rest In Peace My Friend

The internet can be a funny thing---you can "meet people" on line, "converse" with them every day through instant messaging and consider them friends without ever seeing them in person or hearing their voice. Sitting in the blogger's lounge on the last day of CPAC, I learned of the death of just such a friend, Joshua Goldberg.

For those who don't know of Joshua he was the Editor-in-Chief of the news aggregator, blog aggregator Blogs Lucianne Loves, and the new Conservative social media site The Connection which he worked so hard on. Most importantly he was the husband of Chantal, the son of Lucianne and the late Sidney Goldberg, only brother of the writer/pundit Jonah Goldberg.

Joshua and I spoke via instant message almost every day talking about news, life, family, religion , etc. I considered Joshua a good friend even though we had never met, when I troll through the net I read about many others who feel the same way I do. Josh was always the first to lend a hand, when 9/11 brought tragedy to NYC, Joshua walked miles to the WTC site to help go through the rubble looking for survivors and victims' bodies.

When he started Blogs Lucianne Loves, Joshua chose me as one of the selected blogs despite the fact that I was an unknown. He he always spent time offered advice and had the patience of a Saint when I screwed up trying to post on BLL. Joshua was always encouraging and always so nice and I am sad that I can't tell him how much I appreciated all the times he took one of my posts and made it a Lucianne favorite.

There are so many family friends and loved ones who Joshua touched, beyond that there were others like me who he touched and helped without any fanfare---Joshua had a good Neshama (a good soul).

I offer Joshua's Mom Lucianne, His Wife Chantal and his entire family my deepest condolences.

HaMakom yenachem et'chem b'toch shar avay'lay Tzion vee'Yerushalayim.

May God comfort you, Chantal, your Mom and your entire family, among the mourners of Zion and Jerusalem.

And may his memory always be for a blessing.

I will miss you friend.
Read More... [Source: YID With LID]

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