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Wednesday, January 5, 2011

"It�s official: Speaker Boehner, Weaker Pelosi" and related posts

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If you missed C-SPAN the past half hour, you missed some high drama and comedy.

As expected, of course, GOP House Leader John Boehner is now Speaker Boehner with 241 votes.

Outgoing Democrat House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is now Weaker Pelosi, with 173 votes in her favor and 19 notable protest votes against her by fellow Democrats.

There were so many different alternatives, the race started looking like an Alaska Senate primary.

Democrat Heath Shuler took 11 votes.

Democrat John Lewis scored 2.

Most creative smack in Pelosi"s face: Dem. Jim Costa of CA voted for Dem. Dennis Cardoza of CA and vice versa.

Most devastating: Dem. Rep. Kurt Schrader voted for Steny Hoyer, who was seated next to a stunned Pelosi as the vote was announced.

Democrat Jim Cooper earned 1 vote.

Democrat Marcy Kaptur earned 1 vote.

And one Democrat voted present.

Pelosi did her best to keep her mask from slipping, but the public rebuke from Democrat who ranged from far Left to centrist no doubt stings.

Pelosi to-do list today: Bounce the grandkids on the lap for the cameras.

Tomorrow: Retribution.


Update 1:50pm Eastern. Boehner takes the podium to speak after shaking hands and.sighshedding some tears. Weaker Pelosi welcomes the crowd, families, new members first. She"s not crying.

Boehner cries, Pelosi lies: Singing praises of the Constitution and paying lip service to American exceptionalism.

Emetics of the day.

Pelosi won"t shut up: She"s breaking her arm patting herself on the back as 1st woman speaker, 1st Italian American speaker. Waves around kiddie human shields and cites litany of Nanny State Sachievements to spite GOP. Blathers about Sfair prosperity.

Update 2:00pm Eastern. She"s still going. Bitter clinger, clinging bitterly.

This is why we need someone with steel spine and no mercy.


I am not kidding: As she handed it over, Weaker Pelosi just snarked about the size of Speaker Boehner"s gavel.



Boehner responds to Pelosi"s self-aggrandizing snark by reminding audience that Swe are dust and to dust we shall return.

Speech excerpts:

SWe gather here today at a time of great challenges. Nearly one in ten of our neighbors are looking for work. Health care costs are still rising for families and small businesses. Our spending has caught up with us, and our debt will soon eclipse the size of our entire economy. Hard work and tough decisions will be required of the 112th Congress. No longer can we fall short. No longer can we kick the can down the road. The people voted to end business as usual, and today we begin carrying out their instructions.

* * * * * * * * * * * *

SThe American people have humbled us. They have refreshed our memories as to just how temporary the privilege to serve is. They have reminded us that everything here is on loan from them. That includes this gavel, which I accept cheerfully and gratefully, knowing I am but its caretaker. After all, this is the people"s House. This is their Congress. It"s about them, not us. What they want is a government that is honest, accountable and responsive to their needs. A government that respects individual liberty, honors our heritage, and bows before the public it serves.

* * * * * * * * * * * *

SOur aim will be to give government back to the people. In seeking this goal, we will part with some of the rituals that have come to characterize this institution under majorities Republican and Democratic alike. We will dispense with the conventional wisdom that bigger bills are always better; that fast legislating is good legislating; that allowing additional amendments and open debate makes the legislative process less efficient" than our forefathers intended. These misconceptions have been the basis for the rituals of modern Washington. The American people have not been well served by them.

* * * * * * * * * * * *

SWe will not always get it right. We will not always agree on what is right. A great deal of scar tissue has built up on both sides of the aisle. We cannot ignore that, nor should we. My belief has always been, we can disagree without being disagreeable to each other. That"s why it is critical this institution operate in a manner that permits a free exchange of ideas, and resolves our honest differences through a fair debate and a fair vote. We may have different sometimes, very different ideas for how to go about achieving the common good, but it is our shared goal. It is why we serve.

See what others have said

Note from Michelle: This section is for comments from's community of registered readers. Please don't assume that I agree with or endorse any particular comment just because I let it stand. A reminder: Anyone who fails to comply with my terms of use may lose his or her posting privilege.


  2. Classless Nancy Pelosi finally gives John Boehner the gavel after babbling on about herself : Fire Andrea Mitchell!
  3. Michelle Malkin � Harry Reid: Americans Love Government!
  4. GayPatriot � Ms. Nancy"s Classless Exit
  5. How many Democrats voted to keep Nancy Pelosi as leader? � The TrogloPundit
  6. The 112th Begins ::
  7. The 112th | Hennessy's View
  8. The Wide Awake Cafe � Sashaying Nancy no More Big Queen

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  1. GREAT news this old bat is no longer SOTH! I didn"t see this, did she smile and eyes going a million miles per hour when Boehner got the gavel?

  2. Pelosi did her best to keep her mask from slipping, but the public rebuke from Democrat who ranged from far Left to centrist no doubt stings.

    Stings? I doubt the Botox Queen has any sensation of feeling.and as minority leader, she"ll still be one of the Sgo to persons for the LSM and the Sunday shows, continually harping on all the Sevil being perpatrated by the GOP majority.

  3. who was seated next to a stunned Pelosi as the vote was announced.

    Is there a photo of this look", or could we peons tell the difference?

  4. GREAT news this old bat is no longer SOTH!

    lol letget; but she"d make a good candidate for a SITH!

  5. How can her face sting when it is synthetic skin streatched over a metallic skull?

  6. Washington, DC ( To hear pro-abortion House Speaker Nancy Pelosi tell it, she believes her pro-abortion colleagues will absolutely keep the House of Representatives following a 2010 general election that appears as if it will produce a landslide for pro-life candidates.
    Pelosi told a meeting of the Democratic caucus in the House yesterday that they will Sabsolutely keep their hold on the Congressional chamber.

    According to a report in The Hill, she touted Sthe caliber of our candidates heading into the election.
    SThey know who they are and why they came to Congress, she said. SThey have won their districts before and they will win them again.

    Well, sorry that one didn"t work out for ya Nancy, ole girl. Sounds like maybe GOD is talking to you. Are you listening??

  7. Let the games begin.

  8. ***
    Warm up SanFranNan"s broom for her new mode of transportation to / from her beloved City by the Bay.
    Fly the friendly skies, Nan. Watch out for falling Blackbird flocks. Or fly commercial and enjoy the TSA gropings.
    John Bibb

  9. Tomorrow: Retribution.

    No question in my former military mind. She wants political blood. And she doesn"t care whose party bleeds the most. As long as others bleed, she"ll be happy-er.

  10. Is there a photo of this look", or could we peons tell the difference?


  11. and 19 notable protest votes against her by fellow Democrats.

    Queen Of Black Hearts: SOff with their heads!

  12. I am watching this and from me to the Pelosi STFU, sit down and fade away.

  13. And one Democrat voted present.

    I thought he was POTUS? Or maybe the SPresent is prepping for a Dem run for Potus sometime in the future. What kind of Speoples representative not take a stand? Do his constituents really want their rep to vote Snot willing to make a decision?

    How about future votes? will he/she vote Spresent to repealing obamacare? or eliminating the EPA?

  14. And one Democrat voted present.

    Wouldn"t that be Pelosi herself?

  15. Ripley: They grab the colonists, they move them over there and they immobilize them to be hosts for more of these. Which would mean that there would have to be a lot of these parasites, right? One for each colonist. That"s over a hundred at least.
    Bishop: Yes, that follows.
    Ripley: But each one of these things comes from an egg, right? So who"s laying these eggs?
    Bishop: I"m not sure. It must be something we haven"t seen yet.

    (cue Pelosi)

  16. Rogue Cheddar said:
    More like a Borg Queen Meduse/Hydra mutation. She just cannot shut up and preen one last time.

  17. She is, quite simply, delusional

  18. This.speech.should be required watching, with full debunking in a split screen, for every CA voter that continues to send this pathetic, power monging hag, to DC

  19. First mafia princess speaker. First anti-american speaker. First wicked witch of the East speaker. First Marxist speaker. At least she is no longer 2 heart beats from the Presidency. It will take a decade or two to remove the stink from the chamber.

  20. The Borg Queen: Small words from a small being, trying to attack what it doesn"t understand.

    Borg Queen: I am the beginning. The end. The one who is many. I am the Borg.

    Borg Queen: You are an imperfect being, created by an imperfect being. Finding your weakness is only a matter of time.

    Borg Queen: Human! We used to be exactly like them. Flawed. Weak. Organic. But we evolved to include the synthetic. Now we use both to attain perfection. Your goal should be the same as ours.
    Lieutenant Commander Data: Believing oneself to be perfect is often the sign of a delusional mind.

  21. Did Pelosi vomit green pea soup and spin her head around? Levitate off the podium?

  22. As happy a moment as this is for us, don"t forget this woman is the epitome of evil and still has power. The MSM won"t hesitate to give her the space she wants, and with their collaboration they will do their best to destroy conservatives in the next election. Am I cynical? SYou betchum Red Ryder. I am a proud California Conservative and have seen this evil woman in her climb. We can"t overlook her.
    After all of thatHappy New Year to you all. God Bless Our Troop and NEVER FORGET..

  23. On January 5th, 2011 at 2:14 pm, Hangfire said:
    Did Pelosi vomit green pea soup and spin her head around? Levitate off the podium?

    Demon: That"s much too vulgar a display of power, Karras.

  24. I am not kidding: As she handed it over, Weaker Pelosi just snarked about the size of Speaker Boehner"s gavel.

    Hey lady!* (..*..)

  25. Don"t forget we still have Gollum over in the Senate! SWe musts have the precious! We musts, we musts, we musts!

  26. I"m finally,once again, a little proud of my country for the 66th year.

  27. I am not kidding: As she handed it over, Weaker Pelosi just snarked about the size of Speaker Boehner"s gavel.

    This one"s just asking for a Mae West quote, but I"m too much of a lady to go there.

  28. On January 5th, 2011 at 2:29 pm, mytake said:
    I"m finally,once again, a little proud of my country for the 66th year.

    God Bless ya, and stay away from the Death Panels.

  29. mytake#26,
    Same age as you are and I also hope the new dc bunch makes me proud of our Republic getting it back to our Founders intent.

  30. There is no wrath like a witch scorned. A Pelosi voodoo doll would be a hot seller.

  31. And Boehner"s next words were Sgt at Arms, arrest Rep Pelosi. Yeah, jus" dreamin.

  32. On January 5th, 2011 at 1:55 pm, chapoutier said:


  33. Why do I have this urge to sing Ding Dong The Witch is Dead?

  34. I am not kidding: As she handed it over, Weaker Pelosi just snarked about the size of Speaker Boehner"s gavel.

    perfect response: even a 747 looks small when landing in the Grand Canyon.

  35. That"s why it is critical this institution operate in a manner that permits a free exchange of ideas, and resolves our honest differences through a fair debate and a fair vote

    Then I am sure he will be totally against the so called Sdeem and pass tactic that the Dems tried to pull last year.

    Oh wait

  36. On January 5th, 2011 at 2:33 pm, flmom said:
    I am not kidding: As she handed it over, Weaker Pelosi just snarked about the size of Speaker Boehner"s gavel.
    This one"s just asking for a Mae West quote, but I"m too much of a lady to go there.

    I"m not!

    SIf you want me just whistle. You know how to whistle don"t you? Just put your lips together and blow.
    Mae West

    SI"ve no time for broads who want to rule the world alone. Without men, who"d do up the zipper on the back of your dress?
    Mae West

  37. RogueI thought the zipper" quote was Joan Crawford?
    Oh wellit"s still awesome.

  38. Marlowe: Well, I can"t tell till I"ve seen you over a distance of ground. You"ve got a touch of class, but I don"t know how, how far you can go.
    Vivian: A lot depends on who"s in the saddle.

  39. I can understand if people cry from being overjoyed that Nancy Pelosi is gone and I can understand that members of AFSCME would cry out of hurt over Nancy"s demise, but what the heck is John Boehner crying about? Crying is over the loss of a loved one or over learning that a loved one has a terminal disease. But John Boehner cries over some routine Washington D.C. business. Maybe he cries over his salary increase, maybe he cries about his new clout and fame. That is just plain stupid. Newt didn"t go bawling like a baby over every political slight.

  40. Then I am sure he will be totally against the so called Sdeem and pass tactic that the Dems tried to pull last year.

    Oh wait

    Chap, please.
    I"m sure you are well aware that the Sdeem and pass procedure had been in place for years exclusively for budgetary matters. The Dem(ons) last year tried to use the tactic to get around having a vote on Health Care Reform legislation. There"s a huge difference.

  41. Thank the Lord Piglousi is out! Now it will take a good many sessions of Congress to undo her damage to the Constitution and our wounded country.

  42. Rogue, the whistle quote was from Casa Blanca. Both Bogie and Lauren Bacall said it.

  43. Sorry, not Casablanca.
    To Have and Have Not.

  44. Boehner cries, Pelosi lies

    I"ll take cries over lies any day.

  45. Commenting on Fox News, Brit Hume said that he"d never seen an outgoing speaker yack as long as Pelosi.

    And what in the hell fair prosperity?

  46. I don"t have much faith in Boehner. He lacks communication skills to effectively tweak media reporting. Too often he leaves out damaging Democrat actions while being interviewed about SRepublican neglect of the poor, women and childrenS. Deer in headlights. Promoting people like Michele Bachmann as the Speaker"s speaker could easily embarrass the opposition and liberal journalists with her intelligent and fiery talking points. She could bring a lot of dialogue to the network gossip and news shows.

    Apparently 19 House seats on the Democrat side are up for Republican grab in 2012?

  47. On January 5th, 2011 at 3:27 pm, spaceycakes said:
    RogueI thought the zipper" quote was Joan Crawford?
    Oh wellit"s still awesome.

    I think this one is one of Joan"s best.

    SNot that anyone cares,but there`s a right and wrong way to clean a house.
    - Joan Crawford

  48. Dexter, I knew the whistle quote was To Have and Have Not", but I didn"t want to question Rogue twice in a rowso, I settled for another great quote from Key Largo".

  49. I"m sure you are well aware that the Sdeem and pass procedure had been in place for years exclusively for budgetary matters.

    That is not true at all. It has been used a ton of times for all sorts of things.

    And in any case, the complaining coming from the commenters here during the health care debate was not that this was an inappropriate use of a valid power, it was that the tactic itself was unconstitutional. I don"t think that changes depending on the type of bill, does it?

  50. I don"t think that changes depending on the type of bill, does it?

    Does it only get used on bills that are overwhelminingly opposed by Americans?

  51. On January 5th, 2011 at 3:32 pm, spaceycakes said:
    Marlowe: Well, I can"t tell till I"ve seen you over a distance of ground. You"ve got a touch of class, but I don"t know how, how far you can go.
    Vivian: A lot depends on who"s in the saddle.

    Johnny: Say kid, what do they call you?
    Lil: Impressive.

  52. It is why we serve.

    I"m sorry but I am sick and tired of politicians of any stripe talking about how they Sserve. $3,000 suits and $10,000 a night hotel rooms, European junkets and gold plated health and retirement packages not to mention the sweetheart jobs with lobbyists afterwards. Government employment over the past 50 years has been a cash bonanza for all of them, a headlong rush to the hog trough. Talk to me of all the dead soldiers, marines and airmen, then we can talk about service.

  53. On January 5th, 2011 at 3:58 pm, spaceycakes said:
    Dexter, I knew the whistle quote was To Have and Have Not", but I didn"t want to question Rogue twice in a rowso, I settled for another great quote from Key Largo".

    I got both quotes from a Mae West site, so if it"s on the interwebs it"s got to be true, or not. Mae West precedes Bogie and Baby, so I wouldn"t be surprised if a line was used again.

  54. At least we have one seemingly sane person in the line of succession to the President now.

  55. RE: Deem and Pass
    Original bill Presented by a Democrat who explicitly condemned its use for anything other than BUDGETARY adjustments. The same Democrat was asked by Clinton to use this method (illegally) to pass the prior Health Care Takeover, but said Democrat REFUSED. Unfortunately I can"t remember the Democrat"s name and must get back to work.

  56. On January 5th, 2011 at 2:12 pm, Rogue Cheddar said:
    Borg Queen: I am the beginning. The end. The one who is many. I am the Borg.

    She never said Sthe Borg. It was always just Borg. SI am Borg. Much creepier. Too bad for Pelosi that she does not look like the alien leader on V. She might have gotten more votes. Me likey.

    Must go take a cold shower now.

  57. I liked Marina better on Firefly. Still hot either way.

  58. Anyone else notice Boehner tapping his fingers whilst EX-Speaker was speaking?

    Thought bubble S.
    Put your imagination to work!

  59. On January 5th, 2011 at 4:31 pm, Rogue Cheddar said:
    I liked Marina better on Firefly. Still hot either way.

    Interesting that you knew the woman yet spelled her name phonetically. I suspect you think of her often. Does Gromit know about this?

  60. I liked Marina better on Firefly. Still hot either way.

    Coincidentally, I have law school friend who hung out with Summer Glau/River Tam (and Mena Suvari) just last night.

  61. And what in the hell fair prosperity?

    Rev. Sharpton says it"s when everyone"s house has the same stuff in it (whether they worked for it or not)

  62. I don"t mind Boehner"s tears as this day means a lot to us all. Now, if he chokes up on a regular basis when dealing with rogue Dems, that is another ball game. This is an important day in restoring the USA.

    I am surprised Boehner did not have to pry the gavel out of her claws.

    Pelosi had better be lobbying for the FDA not to make Botox illegal in this country. Her forehead may collapse into Shar-Pei folds that require a headband if she cannot get her monthly jabs. Botox toxicity may explain the hummingbird blinky Morse Code of hers as well.

  63. Now, if he chokes up on a regular basis when dealing with rogue Dems,

    Uhhhthat ship has sailed.

  64. Is it true that Boehner announced this afternoon that the new ladies" loo being built just off the floor of the House will be designated as The Pelosi Room?

  65. I"ll take someone who shows emotion anyday over a socialist(s) who don"t care for their country and want to share the wealth. You"re welcome.

  66. She reminds me of a little kid that goes to another kid"s birthday party and just can"t stand the fact it"s not their party. She"s going to cause chaos and mayhem until someone tells her to shut-up and sit-down.

  67. It"s official:
    Speaker Boehner, Weaker Pelosi


  68. What a difference a day makes


    You"ll be glad you did.

  69. A very wise and very successful man taught me this:

    Don"t trust a man who never cries.

  70. I will no longer feel nervous if Obama and Biden decide to fly on the same plane. There is now a new person third in line for the Presidency!!

  71. On January 5th, 2011 at 4:37 pm, RedDog said:
    On January 5th, 2011 at 4:31 pm, Rogue Cheddar said:
    I liked Marina better on Firefly. Still hot either way.
    Interesting that you knew the woman yet spelled her name phonetically. I suspect you think of her often. Does Gromit know about this?

    Yeah I screwed up Morena"s name which I shouldn"t have seeing how I have the complete Firefly series on DVD and the Serenity movie. And yes I do think of her often, please don"t tell Gromit, he"ll just get mad and hide the Wensleydale on me.

  72. On January 5th, 2011 at 4:42 pm, chapoutier said:
    I liked Marina better on Firefly. Still hot either way.
    Coincidentally, I have law school friend who hung out with Summer Glau/River Tam (and Mena Suvari) just last night.

    Napoleon: Lucky!

  73. My earlier comment incorrectly attributed information regarding Reconciliation to Deem and Pass. (thanks to ITookTheRedPill who mentions this in the other topic: Harry Reid ).

    Deem And Pass is a violation of the principles this country was founded on. More on the level of SWe can"t get enough votes from the representatives of the people, so we will just pretend we did and make it law.

    That is spitting on the constitution and in the face of every law abiding citizen.

  74. Thanks for the hat tip, JamieD!

  75. On January 5th, 2011 at 3:36 pm, Marc said:

    but what the heck is John Boehner crying about?

    No idea. He seems to cry at the thought of his earlier tough days, or his accomplishing something. But I wish he would stop for heaven"s sake. Gonna start calling him Weeper of the House Boehner. Way too self indulgent IMHO. Buck up man and kick some dem azz.

  76. A Stolen MN election (Franken),
    A change to MA law for purely partisan purposes (Kirk),
    Several notorious bribes (Cornhusker Kickback, Louisiana Purchase, etc.),
    A betrayal of pro-life voters by Sblue dog Demonrats (Bart Stupak, etc.),
    Egregious misuse of the Sreconciliation process(*).

    That"s all it took to pass Obamcare.

    And that is why Nancy Pelosi is no longer Speaker of the House,
    and why Reid will no longer be Senate Majority leader in 2 years,
    and why Obama and Biden will be replaced in 2 years.

    (*) Sen. Byrd Single-Handedly Stopped Clinton From Using Reconciliation to pass Hillarycare, but Byrd was too senile to do so to stop Obamacare.

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