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Friday, January 7, 2011

Massive Toxic clouds responsible for animal deaths

G-d, sends massive toxic clouds as part of his wrath. - Spy on America.
By Jes Alexander on January 7, 2011

LONDON (Herald de Paris) – It is alarming the number of excuses being given for the animals that have been dropping dead since New Year’s Eve; washing ashore; and falling from the skies.

 Surely science can not be this daft.  Is it ignorance?  Or does someone not what you to know what is really going on?  Let’s take a look.

The Arkansas Game and Fish Commission blames the sudden mass death of 5,000 red-winged blackbirds on … fireworks.  They went on to explain that blackbirds have poor vision, and flew into a New Year’s celebration.  The Arkansas explanation, however, failed to address the birds that similarly died en masse in Kentucky, Tennessee, and Louisiana, around the same time.  Surely Arkansas blackbirds with bad eyesight did not fly into a fireworks display, then glide gently to other states to expire.

At almost the exact same time, approximately 100,000 drum fish washed ashore along a 32 mile stretch of the Arkansas River.  Arkansas authorities immediately denied a connection.  “We don’t see any possible way they’re related,” said Mark Oliver of the state’s fish and game commission.  They blamed the mass death of the drum on disease.

This would imply two things.  First, every drum contracted the exact same disease at the exact same time.  Diseases don’t work like that.  So, too, it would imply that fish are much less healthy, but have much better eyesight than local blackbirds.

In Maryland, that state’s Department of Environment issues a decree that nearly 2 million fish that washed up on its shores all died because of a spell of cold weather, and a sudden drop in the temperature.  While excessively low temperatures have been recorded in the Chesapeake Bay in the past 45 days, the Spot Croaker species typically enters the Chesapeake in December, so they tolerate a normally cold temperature range.

In the United Kingdom, 40,000 velvet swimming crabs washed ashore, also dead,  in Kent, England, much to the horror of gawking coastal Brits, and equally to the delight of the local gull population.  ”This shows just how much severe weather can disrupt marine life, as well as our own lives,” Tony Child, a spokesman for the Thanet Coast Project.

But then reports began filtering in from other countries.  A mass fish kill in Brazil, and mass deaths of birds and fish in Sweden, Japan, Thailand, New Zealand, and elsewhere.  But New Zealand boasts temperatures annually 2-3ºC warmer than usual because of oceanic currents.  So there goes the frozen fish theory.

But weather, alone, has not been blamed.  Kerry Sheridan, a writer for Agence France Presse (AFP) suggested astronauts could be testing a potent sound beams to ward off aliens, or that the US military experimenting with satellite-powered energy weapons.  And, of course, many are pointing to Bible verse, Hosea 4:1-3: “The land dries up, and all who live in it waste away; the beasts of the field, the birds in the sky and the fish in the sea are swept away.”

Then there’s that pesky Mayan doomsday calendar, but I ask you – did the world end on December 31st, 2010 simply because your calendar ran out of pages?  Of course not.  So let’s look at a more plausible explanation.

On December 16th, 2010, the circulation of the atmosphere swirled backwards against the jet stream over North America, as colder air rushed down through the center of the United States, while tropical Pacific air entered the Southwest.  This seems to have upset something in the upper atmosphere.  Hold that thought.

The jet stream normally moves air masses through our atmosphere predominantly from West to East, with subtle variations.   December 28-31, Arkansas experienced what locals called, “Crazy weather,” heavy rains, and unseasonable tornadic activity caused, at least in-part, by the swirling effects of the “backwards” incident of December 16th.

Where does that unsettled air mass go next?  Generally Eastward, and what is East of Arkansas?  Among other places Kentucky, Tennessee, and Maryland.  Several days later, after crossing the Atlantic Ocean, that same air mass spreads out over Europe, and dips back down into the Asian Pacific possibly encountering the UK, Sweden, Thailand, and New Zealand along the way.

It seems logical then that the same mass of air has been in-place in the general vicinity of every fish and marine massacre of the past 9 days, and the correlation between the air and the water can be explained as simply as rainfall.  Please recall that the atmosphere and large bodies of water are forever tied together by the water cycle, the single element that creates the conditions to sustain life as we know it on our planet.

Why isn’t this being reported globally?  Everyone is testing the fish, the crabs, and the birds, when clearly there is ample probable cause to assume that there is something going on in an air mass that is circling the belt of our planet.  Is anyone testing that air mass?

Ask yourself – what could possibly be in the atmosphere that could be toxic enough to kill off these tender species’ en masse?  I can think of two events in 2010 that could offer an answer.

BP’s Gulf of Mexico fiasco comes to mind.  BP, in its infinite wisdom, burned millions of gallons of toxic crude oil and caustic “dispersant” into our atmosphere.  ”We fixed the water,” they explained.  Please recall that it rained oily rain in New Orleans, last summer, as evidence that when you burn oily toxic chemicals they has to go somewhere, and come back down somewhere else.  And what they burned was nothing to ignore.  The labels on the drums of BP-developed dispersant specifically said that their product should not be breathed or handled without protective gear.  Nevertheless, they were permitted to loft this chemical into our atmosphere.

The second event to affect our atmosphere globally were the air traffic-disrupting eruptions of Iceland’s Eyjafjallajökull Volcano.  From April 14th to May 21st, Eyjafjallajökull disrupted more air travel around the world than anyone or anything since World War II, with two magnificent phases of ash plume.  In all, the Icelandic volcano vaulted 250 million cubic metres of caustic Tephra into the atmosphere, the very same material that has in our recorded past caused what are generally called, “Volcanic Winters,” sustained periods of significantly colder weather across the globe.

Despite our global knowledge of both events, in researching for this article I found no evidence that any scientific organisation anywhere on the planet has conducted any study or experiments to explain what the result might be of a possible convergence of volcanic tephra, unrefined crude oil, and highly toxic, man-made chemical dispersant in our upper atmosphere.

Nevertheless, the laboratory of common sense seems to point all its findings to a single, highly toxic mass of air circling the globe in our upper atmosphere, and for which our G-d is at least partially to blame.
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