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Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Ernest Huber for Congress - The House can and must impeach Obama

Yeah, you go Ernest!. - Spy on America.
The House will have enough votes to impeach Obama after the hearings, subpoenas, and investigations. Illegally obtaining the Presidency by fraud (eligibility) will be one of his many high crimes and misdemeanors. The main ones will be treason/unlawful combatancy, sedition, RICO and national security offenses. The investigations will result in the indictments and arrests of hundreds (thousands?) of co-conspirators and accomplices. Many members of Congress will be expelled for their involvement.

Our Supreme Court and military will figure prominently in this cleansing, as did the Honduran court and military in the arrest and removal of their covert communist president Zelaya last year. Our next elected or interim President must be a former or current flag or general officer due to the incredible vulnerability our nation will be facing from domestic and foreign enemies.  This is not politics as usual and we need warriors to take care of business.

The coming purge will be difficult, but the alternative communist/bankster dictatorship would be infinitely worse and cost us our Constitutional Republic, Western civilization, Christendom, and billions dead. Time to saddle up. Nehemiah 4:14.

Ernest Huber
Washington State, 8th District
“And ye shall know the Truth, and the Truth shall make you free.” John 8:32
My Background
Retired Navy Lieutenant Commander; Surface Warfare Officer, counterterrorism Battle Watch Commander; 1980-1994

Army Chief Warrant Officer; Military Intelligence interrogation technician, Army Intelligence Center; 1978-1980

USAF Sergeant; Intelligence Operations Specialist/SERE instructor, USAF Survival School; 1963-1968
GEDT, 1964

BA, Gonzaga University, 1972

JD, Gonzaga Law School, 1975
Regional Chair of Issaquah Republicans, 1997-1998

Issaquah resident for twenty-two years


Eight adult children; homeschooled for ten years

I've been a Big Brother and have ministered to the poor, the hungry, the homeless, and nursing home residents.
My opponent, Dave Reichert

Reichert has sold us out and has disqualified himself for office.

In 1997, King County Executive Ron Sims, a Progressive, appointed his friend Dave Reichert as King County sheriff.  Sims and Reichert endorsed each other in 1997 and 2001.  In 2004, Reichert was elected as a Republican to Congress from the Eastside's 8th Congressional District.  He has voted against our party in Congress hundreds of times, and has had no bills enacted.  He's a follower, not a leader.  Reichert has been called a RINO, but he is much worse.  His ideology is "moderate" Progressivism.  Our district is not Progressive.  He does not represent us.  Reichert has to go.

Reichert's sole job is on the House Ways and Means Committee, recently run by the disgraced and corrupt Progressive Charlie Rangel.  It oversees borrowing by the Treasury Department's Bureau of the Public Debt from the private Federal Reserve bank.  It allocates money, then writes the nation's tax bills and raises revenue to pay for the debt.  This Committee is a cesspool of pork, earmarks, lobbyists, and bankers.  Reichert is also on its Oversight Subcommittee, which theoretically investigates wrongdoing by Obama's administration.  Remember that as you read the following samples of his voting record, because Reichert is an insider who knows exactly what he's doing to us, our district, and our nation.  This is cold-blooded betrayal.

Reichert voted Yes on the American Clean Energy and Security Act of 2009 (Cap and Trade) (HR 2454).  [Proof]  This is widely viewed as an attempt at Soviet-style dictatorship using the environmental scam of global warming/climate change.  This bill was written by the communist Apollo Alliance, which was led by the communist Van Jones, Obama's green jobs czar.  It's a nation-killer due to the multi-$trillion false tax bill it would impose on all of our activities, the massive destruction of jobs, and the loss of our freedoms to government employees who would regulate our every move through the EPA, Departments of Ecology, and Sustainable Communities under Reichert's friend Ron Sims at HUD.  [Proof] [Proof]  It passed the House 219-212.  Bottom line:  Reichert and seven other RINOs voted to enslave you and me.  I would have voted NO.  (Cap and Trade is even opposed by Washington state's Democrat-controlled legislature!  [Proof])

Reichert voted Yes on Passage of the TARP Reform and Accountability Act of 2009 (HR 384).  [Proof]  This was Barney Frank's $700 billion embezzlement/bailout scam.  The money was stolen from our pocketbooks and freedoms, and those of our children, and given to his Federal Reserve cronies.  The flimsy excuse was to prevent Barney's buddies from going bankrupt for making bad loans.  ("Community organizers" promoted housing legislation guaranteeing loans to unqualified buyers; realtors took the otherwise unqualified buyers to lenders and got commissions for sales that shouldn't have been made; the borrowers predictably defaulted; Reichert and others voted for TARP to reimburse the lenders for the defaulted loans that shouldn't have been made; then the grateful realtors gave Reichert massive IRC 527 money-laundered campaign contributions through "free" TV ads that we ultimately paid for.  [This same Mafia-style shakedown was aired on the Sopranos on October 27, 2002!])  The bankers should fail like any other bankrupts, and the realtors should return their commissions.  No one should be allowed to profit from this despicable fraud and conspiracy on American taxpayers.  Now we learn the real amount being embezzled is an enormous $23.7 trillion!  [Proof]  Reichert again voted to enslave us.  I would have voted NO.

Reichert voted Yes on the Omnibus Public Land Management Act of 2009 (HR 146).  [Proof]  This 1,248 page bill violates our private property rights by taking 2 million private acres and adding them to the 600 million acres (30% of our land area) federal employees already wrongfully control.  It permanently restricts our land use of 26 million acres.  It permanently blocks use of 8.8 trillion cubic feet of our natural gas (a 15-year national supply) and takes 300 million barrels of our oil out of production.  This is a federal version of Ron Sims' horrendous King County Critical Areas Ordinance.  It's also a nation-killer.  It's sabotage.  I would have voted NO.
Reichert voted Yes on the No Child Left Inside Act of 2008 (HR 3036).  [Proof]  This bill provides structure and funding for the environmental propagandizing and indoctrination of our innocent elementary and middle school children by government employees.  I would have voted NO.

Reichert voted Yes on the Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007 (HR 6).  [Proof]  This bill prevented needed oil drilling for 10 billion barrels of oil beneath 2,000 acres of the 19 million acre Alaskan Arctic National Wildlife Refuge.  I would have voted NO.

Reichert voted Yes to override President Bush's veto of the human embryo Stem Cell Research Enhancement Act of 2007 (HR 810).  [Proof]  I would have voted NO.

Reichert voted Yes on the Local Law Enforcement Hate Crimes Prevention Act of 2007 (HR 1592).  [Proof]  This bill would have allowed federal intrusion into state and local jurisdictions to ensure enhanced prosecution for crimes against those because of their "sexual orientation." This outraged many because it gave special legislative endorsement and protection to homosexuality, bestiality, incest, pedophilia, necrophilia, bondage, sadomasochism, etc.  This anti-Christian bill was stopped in the Senate Judiciary Committee -- temporarily.  I would have voted NO on this bill in the House.

Reichert voted Yes on the National Defense Authorization Act for FY 2010 (HR 2647).  [Proof]  The above Hate Crimes Prevention Act was attached as a rider to this bill.  So Reichert voted twice to endorse and protect severely antisocial sexual addictions.  I would have voted NO until the rider was removed.

Predictably, Reichert voted Yes on Passage of the National Defense Authorization Act for FY 2011 (HR 5136).  [Proof]  (Reichert frequently votes one way on preliminary votes, then he votes the opposite way on the final vote to manipulate public opinion.)  This bill openly infiltrates morale destroying, mission degrading homosexual addicts into our military.  It subverts the very heart and soul of our military's Christian culture, poisoning our national defense.  Our men and women in uniform, including the Joint Chiefs, feel totally betrayed.  They should. 
You should.  I do.  9 RINOs and 220 Democrats voted Yes.  160 Republicans and 26 Democrats voted NO.  I would have voted NO.  There will be a lot of repealing.

In what is perhaps the most revolting glimpse behind Reichert's mask is his NO vote on the Terri Schiavo Incapacitated Persons Protection Bill of 2005 (S 686, Roll no. 90).  [Proof]  Fortunately, this bill passed the House 203-58, but Reichert and four other "RINOs" voted to starve to death an innocent woman.  Reichert would later brag about his deadly vote.  [Proof]  I would have voted YES to save Terri's life, and stood at her bedside as a Congressman.  That's what we're supposed to do.   Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.... 

Reichert introduced the Earmark Transparency and Accountability Reform Act of 2009 (HR 3268).  [Proof]  It sounds nice, but it doesn't stop the earmark and pork process; it institutionalizes it!  There are proposed reporting and rule changes, but they don't end the good-old-boy process of  'You scratch my back and I'll scratch yours.'  This bill is a misleading election year hoax.  Read it.

Reichert voted Yes on the Puerto Rico Democracy Act of 2010 (HR 2499).  [Proof]  This bill promotes statehood for Puerto Rico.  If it becomes a state, its enormous poverty will entitle it to $billions in perpetual welfare and infrastructure funding; money we don't have.  Its statehood would force us to become a bilingual nation, further fragmenting us.  The bulk of Puerto Rico's Congressional delegation would support Obama.  Reichert stabs us again.  I would have voted NO. 

Reichert's overall Congressional performance is graded as "F" in national polls.  [Proof]  Read all of the many comments.
He's a Dede Scozzafava train wreck.  It's time for him to retire. 

Here are Reichert's ratings for reducing spending and opposing higher taxes, as compiled by the National Taxpayers Union.  He's bankrupting us.
2009   50%
2008   52%
2007   33%
2006   46%
2005   48%

Congressional members are rated on how much their voting supports Constitutional principles.  Here are the 2009 ratings for Washington State Republicans, and Reichert.
  His oath was to our Constitution, not our district.
Hastings (R-Pasco):                       85%
McMorris Rodgers (R-Spokane):  84%
Reichert (R-Auburn):                    35%  

We are facing the worst Constitutional crisis in our history.  Reichert has helped to cause it.  He sat meekly in Congress on May 20, 2010, as the Mexican president despicably disrespected us for defending our sovereignty and opposing Mexico's overrunning our nation!  Reichert threatens our economic and political freedoms.  It doesn't make any difference how many times he's voted with the GOP, Reichert has clearly disqualified himself for office.  We've been had; he has to go.   

Are you outraged yet
  Reichert has sold us out.  It is what it is.  He can't cover-up or divert attention from his political crimes against We The People, or absurdly rationalize them as "pragmatism."  A Progressive mole is much worse than a RINO.  Both threaten our freedom.  Neither should be trusted or reelected.  Reichert must resign, or be fired.
Our nation is visibly in the last thousand feet of free fall.  Even  Reichert's supporters can see the ground rushing up to crush them.  I'll rapidly deploy conservative parachutes as your Congressman.
My Platform (A Conservative Manifesto)

America the beautiful is dying.

I'm mad as hell, and I know you are too.  As your Congressman, I will do my best to save our country.  I'm a social and fiscal conservative. This website is for Republicans, Independents, Tea Partiers, Libertarians, and traditional Democrats, because conservatism at this time is essential to save the United States that we all depend on for our survival.

America has always had enemies.  We’ve been able to prevent a military invasion, but we haven’t been able to prevent a non-military invasion.  A nation is usually overthrown non-militarily in two steps:  Its economy is incrementally destroyed, and then a dictator promises to “rescue” it.  But the economy never gets rescued, and the dictator never goes away.
A person’s intent is known by the natural and probable consequences of their behavior.  The exploding national debt has been caused by insurgents in government, and, when added to our current obligations, it will destroy our economy. Obama, his handlers, lackeys, and fellow travelers are clearly trying to implement unconstitutional and tyrannical solutions to “rescue” us from the very problems they created or fabricated. They are smart, but they are very bad. They are committing legislative and administrative crimes against We The People and the Constitution. Their destructive actions are intentional.  [Proof]

The corrupt and dysfunctional Congress passes corrupt and dysfunctional laws.  We have to stop this runaway train before we can back it up.  The train trestle is out and we're fast approaching it.  We put on the brakes by gridlocking, repealing, or defunding most legislation.  We do our part by electing courageous conservative brakemen to Congress and the Presidency.  No more Mr. Nice Guys, pretty boys, party hacks, Reichert clones, or insulated millionaire elitists.  We must quickly address the following matters. 

The Economy

There is no national debt.  Social security is not bankrupt.  You owe no income tax, and you never have.

Most of our problems weren't acquired overnight, but they can be quickly fixed.  I will promote immediate and dramatic

economic relief by sponsoring or supporting the following legislation and administrative procedures.

There's a relatively simple way to fix unemployment and the economy, and it's much better than a Flat Tax or a Fair Tax.  It's called the No Tax.  It will require
never again borrowing from the Federal Reserve, paying the expenses of government with Constitutional money, cutting federal spending, cutting the number and power of government employees, closing most federal buildings, dispersing most necessary federal functions to the states, counties and cities, securing our border and deporting wealth-destroying Mexican invaders, and eliminating all federal taxes.

We must return to the practice of funding essential government operations by the Treasury prudently printing and issuing our own debt-free, interest-free money.  Taxes will be unnecessary, but necessary programs will still be paid for.  Our money supply should be created by Congress paying for government's basic goods and services, instead of the money supply being created through borrowing and debt.  [Proof]  And Congress will finally have to perform productive labor.  This will work if we put courageous conservatives in Congress and the Presidency, instead of Progressive misfits, banking concubines and economists who historically sabotage debt-free money systems.  [Proof]  President Jackson succeeded in abolishing the central bank during his presidency and he was wounded in an assassination attempt.

The following example illustrates the problem.  Imagine two stacks of currency.  Each stack contains $1 million in hundred dollar bills that are backed by nothing, perform the same function in our economy, and cost $10.00 to print.  Each bill in one stack is labeled "Federal Reserve Note" and all the bills are sold to us by the private Federal Reserve bank for $1 million plus 5% yearly interest, totaling $1,050,000.  The resulting debt is used to justify an income tax, increased government control, and the incremental loss of our freedoms.  Each bill in the other stack is labeled "United States Note" (called Continental Currency in the 1700s and Treasury Notes and Greenbacks in the 1800s) and they only cost us the $10.00 for printing, resulting in no debt, no tax, and no loss of our freedoms.  Which stack would you use?  President Lincoln used Greenbacks and President Kennedy used United States Notes before they were assassinated.  President Garfield continued President Lincoln's policy of issuing debt-free money and he was also assassinated.  [Proof]

Executive orders from the President to once again direct the Treasury Secretary to:  replace "Federal Reserve Note" with "United States Note" on our currency, cease borrowing from the Federal Reserve, and cease paying them, will liberate us.  The Federal Reserve was created by Congress with the Federal Reserve Act.  That Act can be repealed, be ruled Constitutionally void from its inception, or be simply ignored.  Congress was empowered, not directed, to collect income tax by the 16th Amendment.  That Amendment can also be ignored.  No Constitutional convention is necessary.  There are many ways to skin this cat of servitude. 

No more malfeasant delegating by Congress to corrupt bankers.  Congress must be accountable for our money.  See who speciously opposes this, then look at their source of income.  They've probably been harvesting you.  As your Congressman, I won't let anyone use you as a crop.    

Less money going to nonproductive government employees means more money going to productive private sector employees, job creation, and more freedom. Government employees do not deserve our money, or to run our businesses. When the money goes away, the tyrants go away. President Reagan was correct, government isn’t the solution, it’s the problem. This is not rocket science. The more someone takes from you, the poorer and less free you are.

The markets, like people, must be free to properly function.  Government employees don't create jobs, they just spend our money to perpetuate themselves.  We lose up to ten private sector jobs for every government-funded "job." [Proof]  This destroys our workforce.  The Progressives know it, that's why they promote it.  The more that government employees intentionally tighten their business-destroying regulatory and taxing vise, the more those businesses will fail, or leave.  Those businesses go overseas, or, like Boeing, they move to another state, causing massive job losses.  As your Congressman, I will oppose anyone in government who engages in economic sabotage to increase their power -- including Barack Obama and Christine Gregoire.  They cause the problems, then demand taxes (your freedom) to solve the same problems they cause -- this is criminal racketeering.      

I will support the omnibus repeal of the nation-killing Cap and Trade (that Reichert voted for), TARP embezzlement (that Reichert voted for), Omnibus Public Land Management theft (that Reichert voted for), stimulus plans, any Obama health plan, and all other hoax legislation.

The Internal Revenue Code and the IRS must be abolished.  Congress must pay only for national defense and veterans, the federal courts, Congressional operations, Presidential operations, and current social security obligations.  Unfunded departments should be abolished.  Expenditures should only be justified by the combined Comprehensive Annual Financial Reports, with no excluded entities, from all levels of government.  The $trillion off-book government enterprise slush funds should be liquidated and the surpluses disbursed to the citizens.    

"A private central bank issuing the public currency is a greater menace to the liberties of the people than a standing army...We must not let our rulers load us with perpetual debt."   Thomas Jefferson

The Federal Reserve is a private central banking monopoly that must be audited, then banned.  In 1871, the Supreme Court ruled in Knox v. Lee that Congress could Constitutionally print debt-free money and regulate its value to fund government operations.  Consequently, it's an ongoing RICO crime for federal government employees to borrow from the Federal Reserve.  The crime is compounded because what is "borrowed" is valueless paper that's repaid with the wealth of our labors. This monstrous parasitic fraud results in a crushing illusory debt that is used to justify taxing and regulating us out of our economic and political freedoms for the sole purpose of unlawfully enriching and empowering criminals.  [Proof

The debt owed to the Federal Reserve should be disavowed as the product of a criminal enterprise and deficit terrorism.  Its owners and employees should be prosecuted as necessary, and their RICO wealth seized and redistributed to the poor.  Most of our economic problems and taxes will vanish after the Federal Reserve is dissolved, and we start Constitutionally funding our federal government.  The states should be encouraged to start and regulate their own banks like North Dakota's.  [Proof] [Proof]  No bank should ever be permitted to charge interest.  Would you rather pay $100K or $300K for the same home; nothing or $20M for a school; nothing or $300B for a yearly defense budget?  It's no coincidence that those subhumans who promote debt slavery also promote political slavery, both systems are tools of tyranny.

The continued existence of the Federal Reserve and all other interest charging private banks threaten our national survival.  Their money is valueless and backed by nothing, yet we idiotically pay face value plus interest for it!  A money supply that we print for free, and regulate, to pay for our interest-free and fairly valued costs of government operations under a tight budget can never cause debt or inflation, if indexed to productivity.  It will result in no taxation.  It will unleash enormous prosperity and freedom.  [Proof]  As your Congressman, that will be my ultimate economic goal.  Until then, we're just spinning our wheels and heading for the ditch.
"I have two great enemies, the Southern Army in front of me and the bankers to the rear.  Of the two, the one at my rear is my greatest foe."  Abraham Lincoln
Central banking and some variant of communism pitting us against each other is a two-edged sword that has been used by a whack job nomenklatura for centuries to disorient, disempower, loot, pillage, enslave and destroy countless millions from all political parties in most nations.  Closed economic systems based on private money being lent into existence, where there is no money existing to pay the interest, ultimately self-destruct.  Open economic systems, based on interest-free public money being spent into existence, survive and prosper.  Greece, Iceland, Spain and the United States are currently learning this lesson.  We vastly outnumber our adversaries.  The only power they hold over us is psychological.  A peaceful way to stop them is through free and fair elections.  Our Presidents knew that our best laid plans will be futile until we destroy this central banking/Machiavellian ball and chain.  But it must be destroyed, or it will destroy us.

However...fiscal conservatism is amoral and can be deadly without social conservatism.  The administration of dictatorships, slavery, gulags, and genocide can be fiscally conservative.  Freedom is about morality, not money.  That's why the ideology of social conservatism matters.  So let's talk about it. 


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